
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:34:46
英语语法:Were he to leave today,he would get there by Friday.我想问下,这不是错综虚拟句吗?如果今天怎么样,以后就怎么样,条件句不是应该用现在时态,然后过去表现在,If he left today 怎么原句虚拟条件 Were he to leave today he would get there by Friday 这句话讲的是虚拟的练习题所以想问问怎么给别人讲A Would he leave B Was he leaving C Were he to leave D If he leaves 这几个其中为什么选C 而不选其他几个的答案 __today,he would get there by Saturday,( )A.If he leaves B.Was he leaving C.Would have leaveD.Were he to leave应该选什么呢?请说明一下原因,谢谢!还有Would在虚拟语气中也能放句首吗? If he were to leave today,he would get there by Monday.这是英语虚拟语气教材中的一句话.可是我不明白为什么这里用to leave,是因为前边的were 如果这样的话,为什么不直接用If he leave?还是说虚拟语气中的le 计算机英语论文我要的类似下面这位仁兄的提纲,不是范文! don't need 和 needn't 有什么区别? 英语翻译Today’s Internet builds around the “narrow waist” of IP,which brings the elegance of diverse design above and below IP,but also makes it hard to change the IP layer to adapt for future requirements.这是计算机网络英文论文 I Love girl beautiful是什么意识?I Love girl beautiful是什么意识啊? Any girl wanna make love with me?I'm a gollege boy~I'm now a sophemore of 21 year-old~I study in Dalian Any girl wanna make love with me Oh~Let me insert the dick into your pussy~My Q 82742128~ my boyfriend always want to make love with other girl.他说他只爱我,但是他却和好多个女生暧昧不清,我很难过,讲的那些话都那么暧昧.我说宁愿他发生一夜情也不想他这样搞暧昧.他说告诉我实话,说他和 _______today ,he would get there by friday为什么选 were he to leave 哪里看出是倒装?为什么用were 英语翻译 问一首歌.有这么一句歌词:fly with me ,in the perfect world.go with me ,just like a bird .其他都是中文 好象是什么,"没什么能够阻拦我们在一起"什么的 英语翻译a winged monster with a woman's body and a bird's feet We mustn't buy things we____ A.needn't B.need not C.don't need D.haven't need 这句话为什么不选A选C,区别是什么,为什么A是错的 may can must need的区别及may not ,can't,mustn't,needn't的区别? 下车的英语单词是get off 上车的英文单词该怎么写急! 帮忙写一篇远离病毒或者癌症的英语作文..最好以I believe illness can far from people开头... 急求一篇英语作文,60字,急, 初一英语作文 my summer life 初一英语作文:my life on vacation70词左右.速求. 大学英语六级过了以后还能不能重考,谢谢 关于六级重考我去年十二月考了六级,过了,但是成绩不是很满意,我想重新考一次;我想知道,如果我重考的话,考的分数比第一次低会算哪一次的成绩?如果这次没过的话,是不是就是没过了啊? 英语六级能否重考这个六月就要考英语六级了,没准备好.担心考过了,成绩又不是太理想.请问各位如果考过了能够再考吗?最终成绩按哪次考的算?我是武汉大学的. 六级过了能再重考不? 描写同学的作文要真实,600字以下,400字以上. 计算机的发展史 电脑发展史 计算机处理器发展史?1.现在最新的是酷睿吧?一开始计算机处理器是如何发展到如今的?2.今后的趋势是什么? 谁有英语诗歌?短一点的,陶冶一下情操…… be absent用英语怎么说?急 角阀是什么