
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:49:15
December is the ___ month of a year 怎么填空 Were you on the second floor? 拟写漫画标题应该注意什么? 帮我翻译下这句英语 A man is not old until regrets take the of dream.__ S.Kahil. jane is looking for a new job.she has been bored --her job as a secretary.中间用什么介词好呢A by B from C with 为漫画拟标题. 在露西的生日晚会上,我们玩得非常高兴.We had --- --- at Lucy's birthday party.(在横线上填词)那件事是我理解了我的父亲.That --- me --- my father. My ideal job Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want 请尽快翻译成中文,谢谢 1:It is Lucy's birthday party.We are all enjoying ourselves very much.I have just help myself to another cake when Ted Rodney,a famous actor,enters the room. i have people who want the job with master and phd degree. 英语翻译我现在是高2,我现在学英语超吃力的,翻译英语句子老是卡住,老翻不出来,就算一个句子里的单词都认识也还是不能把中文意思说出来,说出来也是不流畅的,简单的句子还好但是一遇到 英语翻译1.因为我们公司没有fedex的账号,所以没权限用客户的账号.2.客户必须与法国的fedex预约到中国来取件,然后法国的fedex会通知中国的fedex到我们这里取件,这样我们才能用客户的账号寄样 英语翻译我不会让我曾经的付出白费,包括对所有的东西. 让子弹飞想表达什么内容?中心思想是什么不是很理解彼时彼刻, it's gonna be a blast To the world you may be just one person.To the person you may be the world这是我女朋友留的言,意思是爱我吧? 天津大学10年英语四级报名时间是什么时候? life is a gift的意思 Love is as long as her happiness that is afraid to give her happiness of that man is not himself. 有谁知道“Life is a gift but not a fucking mission” 帮我翻译一下. A gift for life翻译是啥意思? Are you busy for me?听见别人说的 好像是句玩笑 < Hamlet> Act III,scene I,以“to be ,or not to be”开头的段的中文翻译. 英语翻译最正确那一个 连词成句(初一英语寒假作业P5,IV,1)Danny,like,do,shorts,you 我觉得好像不对? “你通常星期天下午干什么?”怎么翻译? It's yellow ,It Iives in the water 描述的是哪种动物It's yellow ,It Iives in the water 描述的是哪种动物? The basket was full of sand after the fisherman drew it out of water.The basket was ______ _______ sand after it _______ ________ out of water. Time will tell if I am just the vision of yellow sand under the yellow moon.你的英文说得很好啊,真想自己的英语也能打到你的水平..我就不用头痛了.这句话英语怎么说~ 月亮、太阳围绕着地球转一年有多少次拜托各位了 3Q 请给下面这副漫画拟一个标题,并写出其寓意 “粒粒”皆辛苦这幅漫画的寓意,长此下去,图中的小宝能找到人生理想的“大海”吗?说说理由.图:有一个大人绕着房子追一个小孩,好像在喂他吃饭,地上不知是米还是汗水