
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:46:57
interesting中er的音标是什么?如题. ‘I know there will always be a Mr.M in my life. 剑字成语有哪些 some students cheated in the exam,which___our teacher deeply A settled B ignoredCrecovered Dupset there are()different names of chinese years would you please_____(not smoke)here?it's too dangerous 春天盛开的花有哪些及它们的颜色 求把“随着春天的临近,花儿都竞相盛开”翻成英文急! 重庆的春天会有哪些花盛开 TV programs are l_______books or films?_A child can l____ bad things from some of them the TV shows are pretty good(对pretty good部分提问)_____ the TV shows? 英语中对一类事物(如TV shows)用的系动词用is 还是are There are different kinds of TV She is very hot with so many clothes on.那个on为啥She is very hot with so many clothes on.那个on为啥有呢? 春天有哪些花绽开要多,五个以上 我在我的小组里做了一个有关他们喜欢的电视节目的调查 I did a survey about TV shows we like in myI did a survey about TV shows we like in my team 这句话对么 带剑字的成语 是after a short while还是a shortly while 如果一朵花中只有雄蕊,请问它是否可以完成开花、传粉、受精、结果等过程?请说出你的理由. the travellers __ their journey after a short break.为什么选resumed不选renewd? 绽放在废墟上的格桑花 1.本文采取的是什么体裁?全文主要使用了哪几种表达方式?2.文章主要报道了哪几件事情?请用简洁的语言分别写出来.3.文章第十一段用了哪种修辞手法?这样的手法起何 《像格桑花那样活着》父亲为什么要给刘萌嘉看格桑花的照片? 绽放在废墟上的格桑花 像格桑花那样活着 生物竞赛有两句话:我咋觉得都对:1基因主要位于染色体上2生物性状主要由基因决定 上天种的花,阅读答案 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文: 一个孩子蹲在那里,专注地注视着一颗露出地面的种子.种子已经开始发芽,“爸爸,芽苞是种子的伤痕吗?”孩子问站在旁边的父亲. 父亲认真地想了想,说:“孩 一分钟一个单词与什么配合什么一起效果会比较好 ----------i felt very tired ,i tird to finish the worka,Alouth b.Because c.As d,As if We were the ______(win)of the football match held last Saturda词形变换 一道初二英语试题When you finish school,you have your g__________ 背完单词几天后复习效果最佳?怎么复习?复习几遍?一天背多少单词最佳?