
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:04:00
It rained last night.的过去式It rained last night.的同意句 英语 对划线部分提问 (21 12:46:18)The film star is tall and handsome. 初二英语划线提问her father began to learn a foreign language (when he was 40years old).划线提问 孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验一对相对性状的杂交试验1.豌豆杂交试验所用到的手段有(),()隔离和人工授粉.2杂交试验过程亲本()F1表现型:F2中的表现型及性状分离比是:3.一对相对性状的 孟德尔豌豆杂交试验孟德尔对豌豆试验进行侧交是为了证明什么? 有关孟德尔豌豆杂交实验的题在香豌豆中,只有C、R两个显性基因同时存在时,花色才为红色.一株红花植株与基因型为ccRr的植株杂交,子代有3/8开红花.则原红花植株自交,子代中杂合子红花植株 关于《孟德尔的豌豆杂交试验》能给我解析下吗?《孟德尔的豌豆杂交试验》“概率的计算”用配子的概率计算:先算出亲本产生几种配子,求出每种配子产生的概率,用相关的两种配子的概率相 孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验不明1.已知豌豆的高茎对矮茎是显性,欲知一株高茎豌豆的遗传因子组成最 简便的办法是( ).A.让它与另一株纯种高茎豌豆杂交 B.让它与另一株杂种高茎豌豆杂交C.让它 『急!』描写细微声音的叠词我记得有一个词、就是不会念、AABB式的是描写很细小的声音的,比如说蟋蟀从草丛中运动发出的那种细小的沙沙的声音、、很急呀、、拜托知道的帮帮忙、、近似 读《木笛》有感的读后感 快急!五上的后面的略读课文,要朴素一点!400字左右好了就给20点! We didn't go to the zoo because it rained heavily.(改为同义句)We didn't go to the zoo__ __the__rain 改为同义句WE didn't go to the exhibition because it rained heavily we didn't have a school trip last sunday because it rained heavily同义句we didn't have a school trip last sunday ———— ————the heavy rainhis father gave him a mobile phone as a birthday gift his father ———— a mobile phone— i didn't go to school because it rained.I didn't go to school because it rained.(改为同义句) I didn't go to school ----------------- the rain.I didn't go to school ---------- --------- the rain.(两个空) Do they go to the zoo?改为进行时.我知道是Are they going to the zoo?但是我想问,为什么Do要换成Are啊? mary didn t go to the concert because it rainedeavily last night保持原 Yes,they do.They go to the zoo every Sunday.问句 how do they go to the city zoo? 回答:骑车 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花的意思. 孟德尔豌豆杂交试验的问题如果在一个种群中,基因型AA的比例占25%,基因型Aa的比例占50%,基因型aa的比例占25%.已知基因型aa的个体失去求偶和繁殖的能力,则随机交配一代后,后代产生可育个体 it rained heavily last night We had意思相同 孟德尔的豌豆杂交试验.1.基因分离定律的实质是()A.F2出现性状分离,分离比为3/1 B.F2有三种基因型,比例为1/2/1 C.F1产生配子时等位基因彼此分离 D.F1只表现显性亲本的性状2.如把一只黄色玫瑰 It rained heavily last night.(改为同义句)It rained heavily last night.(改为同义句) There[ ][ ][ ][ ] last night. Lt rained heavily last night的同义句 福尔摩斯探案读后感 如果你需要更多信息,请发电子邮件给学校的秘书 英文翻译 what merits do you think are the most important for a college student?这是一编英语口语问题,麻烦各位好心人用英文回答,2分钟,`` What do you think is the most favorable entertainment for the college students?2.3句话就可以了.要简单点的.谢谢 What do you think is the most favorable entertainment for the college students?2.3句话就可以了.要简单点的. 求 填写形容词1.( )( )( )( )( )的亮光2.( )( )( )( )( )的夕照3.( )( )( )( )( )的湖水4.( )( )( )( )( )的榕树 What do you think of some college students cheating on tests?一分钟以上口语作文,好的再加分.你懂得