
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:56:17
come/go take/bring hear/listen watch/see/look 区别与用法 好词好句好段 词好20个 句子要6句 要2个段 在matlab中实现正弦信号和门函数的卷积这是一段程序,但实现不了,在最后一句 g2=conv(y,g1);报错了.t=-40:0.01:40;g1=[(t>0)&(t 求朝花夕拾的感悟,一段就行了, 谁有朝花夕拾的读后感,要有感!一定要有感!500字左右初一水平 She said she would do it_?A tomorrow B the second day C the next day选哪一个? He said he would ( ) us the next daykill killedkilling选哪个? 中国24小时降雪记录在哪?世界呢?数据是多少?全世界和中国一年降雪量最多的地方在哪?数据是多少? 运用恰当的修辞手法,改写句子家乡有座巍峨的雪峰山改成比喻句:改成拟人句扩写成排比句 暴雪预警是怎么分级的 用修辞手法来改写句子句子:小河哗哗地流水还有一题:( )外面冰天雪地,气候严寒,运动员们( )在坚持训练.填关联词 24小时内降雪超过10毫米是暴雪,24小时降雪超过200毫米是什么雪 巧妙运用修辞手法改写句子,使句子更加形象生动1、火柴燃起来了,多么温暖多么明亮的火焰哪……2、知了一直在大树上叫. 用恰当的修辞方法改写句子. 英语翻译this communications board is located within a power distribution center (PDC配电中心)into which a power supply mains is fed. Wouldn't you like _____tea ,_____ A.some,either B.any;to c.some ;to Dany;either 帮我翻译这句话(英译汉)1.to start downloading,click the yellow bar above, it looks like this.2.then click install below. 英语翻译Use electrodes taken from hermetically-sealed packages within 4 hr.of the time the package is opened. 雨夹雪和小雪那个降雪量大,雨夹雪能看到雪吗 为什么降雪量26毫米,而雪能达到小孩腰部?昨天报纸写烟台降雪量最大26毫米,而雪能达到小孩腰部?如果是雨的话还能理解 朝花夕拾每一章的读后感,150字左右 朝花夕拾读后感 (一个一个章节地哦,每篇100字就好) 求朝花夕拾读后感8篇分别是各章内容的读后感各章的读后感 朝花夕拾的每一个章节概括,好词好句,读后感 《朝花夕拾》(第一章)读后感《朝花夕拾》共有十章,急需第一章读后感800字以内 英语翻译The results are expressed as optical density units per gram of dried medium multiplied by dilution factor请不要用在线翻译,那翻译出来的读得通顺么?晕 锦瑟 翻译 英语翻译快些, 英语翻译我明白就行 I said that I would been booking for two next days by now 怎么转被动 She said that she would leave Beijing next month为什么要加个that,起什么作用呀,在什么情况下用,请具体说明,不用行不行 英语翻译The logit models indicated the importance of the relative journey times and distances of each exit and revealed how exit choices varied according to the message content and the familiarity of drivers with the network.