
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:52:33
He has lost the key to the drawer ( ) the papers are kept.A.where B.in which C.under which D.which 关于"have you been listening?"如果老师上课的时候问学生你有没有在听课,英语如何问,是问"have you been listening?"还是问"Are you listening?"这两种问法有什么区别? How long have you been___(watching/listening to)music video?填什么?为什么?答案是listening to lady gaga 生日视频中,有一个是什么I am fucking listening 是那首歌曲啊 I lost the key to the drawer______the papers are kept?A.where B.in whichI lost the key to the drawer______the papers are kept?A.where B.in which 好像2个都对?究竟选哪一个呢?请说明原因. I'm annoyed that I have _____ homework every day.A,much too B,too much C,too many D,many too who help the old woman to the bus stop? 白头搔更短 浑欲不胜簪表达了作者怎样的情感 春望的白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪实际是抒发了什么感情? 白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪,刻画了一个什么样的形象,表达了诗人什么样的思想感情 the boy with a lovely face..一个有着可爱脸蛋的男孩,是这样翻译么? We have received an order——James Sharp &Co.—— the supply of 100 tons of sugar.A.for,for B.of,which C.from for D.on,on 英语 从Experts confirmed ,一直到score higher.英语 从Experts confirmed ,一直到score higher. 这句话太难懂了,希望可以详细解释一下句子 有些人就用电脑翻译,结果一点都不通. 希望真诚相待,我在 ''your daughter has two children,doesn't she?"was married got married 怎么选? There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, "If I could only see the world, I would marry you."  One day, someone donated I was helped out because you are kind 改为同义句(用 because of)I didn‘t get letters from Jim for long 改为同义句JIm didn’ t ()()()for longIs it unlucky to be ()()()_有失聪又失明____ 春望里面"白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪" “What do you do?” can you tell me?改为间接引语 英译汉My classroomMy classroomMy class is Class .5,Grade .7. It’s not very big ,but it is clean. There are two blackboard on the wall . In front of the blackboard , there’s is a teacher’s desk .There are eleven lights in it .Under the ligh 我国是谁最早发现了甲骨文 Which is the favourite toy in your class?(回答)急!快! 求英语高手,这里该填什么 Drink a lot of water and you will s________dieDrink a lot of sea water and you will s_________die.这里应该填形容词,鄙人实在是想不出liao 急--英文高手,英语作文 "My favourite restaurant",要PRESENTATION3分钟左右的!thx!"My favourite restaurant",要PRESENTATION3分钟左右的!thx! 急--英文高手,英语作文 "My favourite restaurant--McDonald's",要PRESENTATION3分钟左右的!thx! This file does not exist . were not we having tears in our eyes through the passing of time这句话的意思的什么 We should always believe in what our eyes see, but sometimes, also in what our heart feels 啥意思 This file in your language is not yet available.View the English version. 与象共舞 练习反义词填空惊慌——()继续——()松弛——()姿态——()庞大——()温和——()充沛——()茂盛——() Support your favourite restaurant Support your favourite restaurant 什么意思Support your favourite restaurant cafe or food stall by voting in Lewisham Councii ' s food competition. restaurant是什么意思 阅读儿歌,完成练习(二年级)反义词,一对一对,字数相等对义相反.你说直,我说弯,安全可以对危险.你说快,我说慢,光明可以对黑暗.你说正,我说反,讨厌可以对喜欢.依照儿歌写出两个对子.(1)(2)照