
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:37:35
甲乙丙三个数的平均数是36,乙丙的平均数是42.5 甲数是() 威尼斯商人读书笔记内容简介100字左右,作品主题50字左右,人物评价一个,50字左右.写作特色两点,各50字左右.还有阅读收获50字左右. you don't know the answer.l don't know------1.too2.either3.also4.neither 威尼斯商人 读书心得 I've made a guess but I don't know if it's the c() answer.首字母填空 i don't know the answer to the questions.改成同义句i don't know the answer to the questions. 改成同义句 语文花开作业本八上26课内容是内容! 2011 甘肃兰州 偶然Our Chinese teacher told us interesting story and story ..Our Chinese teacher told us ___ interesting story and ___ story was about Thomas Edison .A.an; a B.the ; the C.a the D an the 英语基础不好,不去补习班怎么补?我现在初二下学期,从初一到初二上学期都没认真上过英语课,现在想补,不去补习班,怎么办?现在练习上的题目我只能看懂简单的, 六年级简单的选择题啊下面百分率可能大于百分之百的是.( )A成活率 B发芽率 C出勤率 D增长率~急求啊! what is love?and now that song is stuckwhat is love?and now that song is stuck in my head.damn. 1.The teacher told Jim an interesting story变被动A story ()Jim ()2.“我们应该走哪条路?”孩子们问.The children asked to ()go.单句The children asked to ()go.复合句 (高一英语)关于for 的用法for 的用法到底有哪些呢?the main fuel for our body 中 for 北京大兴成人零点英语补习班我上的是中专 如果要报英语补习班应该是报成人零起点的吧 不知道大兴或者丰台附近有成人零点的英语补习班吗麻烦把电话留一下 谢谢 北京大兴区英语口语强化 补习班有吗? 用matlab画函数曲线,完整代码怎么写?y=(VTN+√(x/3)(VDD+VTP))/(1+√(x/3)) 其中VTN=1,VDD=5,VTP=-1写y=(1+4√(x/3))/(1+√(x/3))和Z=5-(1+4√(X/3))/(1+√(x/3))的吧, matlab绘制如下函数曲线的程序是什么f(x)= -(3/5)x^2+3x 和 g(x)=-(9/5)x^2+9x 16.Yesterday when we were on our way home,he told me that he had finished his work two hours ago.ago 错了应该改成什么为什么~ There will be less snow this year.改为反意疑问句 responsibility的确切用法是?请问 take responsibility for take the responsibility for take responsibility of take the responsibility of take responsibility to do take the responsibility to do 哪几个是对的?万谢! 高一英语课文详解和单词详解及用法 1、有一个地摊的推主,把8个白的、8个黑的围棋子放在一个袋子里,他规定:凡愿意摸彩者,每人交1元钱作为“手续费”,然后从袋子里摸 出5个棋子,中彩的情况如下:摸棋情况 5个白棋 4个白棋 With a vocabulary(词汇量) ____ over 5,000 characters,he can understand most Chinese articles.填介词或副词~ ヾ(●ω●)ノ 76-78谢谢 哪位英语好的帮帮, 暑假生活的话题作文,600字.3Q写具体事情,快乐和悲伤的事都可以. know可以引导that从句吗 求讲解1、 The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that ( )people from all walks of life are working hard for ( )a new Jiangsu.A、\,a B、\,the C、the ,a,D、the ,the 2、John is a man of much ( )and he had a lot of interesting ( )in What do you suppose ____her look so upset_____by her boyfriend againAmaking ; MisunderstoodBhad made ;Being misunderstoodCmade ; Having been misundertoodDhas made ;Misunderstood为什么选C Tom seems to know the answer.____ ____thatTom seems to know the answer.____ ____that Tom knows the answer. Only Tom knows the answer to the qusetion.改成同义句 Tom( ) knows the answer to the question中间只能填一个词.