
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:57:12
Every generation of people is different in important ways.How is your generation different from your parents' generation?Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.即兴演讲 不是翻译 初中英语完形填空:() dinners are a small light meals,they are like American lunch.A.Germany’sB.German's C.Germans' 呲…ki mi ko yo su… "SUKIDE SU YO KI MI NO KO Translate the following Chinese word in English:Please translate“原本的速度” in English and write the symbol of the answer(将“原本的速度”翻译成英文,并将答案对应的符号写出来.):A:the quality of the speedB:the q 下面这个句子 为什么说what从句 是 be different from 的宾语从句How different life today is from what was fifty years ago!分析一下句子结构 用be different from造一个句!这兄弟俩一点也不像 现代著名诗人—卞之琳的琳读bian还是ka? “卞之琳”是谁?什么年代的作家及有什么作品? Edison built a science himself.himself 在这里做的是什么成分?是by himself的缩写形式吗?如题~帮忙分析下.还想请问下by oneself中的by可以省略吗?上面题目打错了 应该是Edison built a science lab himself 卞之琳的简介 卞之琳是谁如题,知道多少说多少 the manager interview jim himself in the morning 中的himself做什么成分啊 by himself在句子中做什么成分?The building shall be constructed by himself.上句中的by himself 在句中做什么成分?还有一句话“He has the ability to do the work."变成疑问句是”Has he the ability to do the work? 脑筋急转弯 1.how many months have 28 days? 1.How many mother have 28 days The light came nearer and neaer and suddenly saw that it was a spaceship 是 how many months have28 days 的谜底是什么 Use your mind:How many months have 28 days?哪些月份有28天? i just want to keep you safe I just want you safe How many months have 28 day? Some names of the _____ (win) appeared on the newspaper. You will be fired if you are late again.请问主名中的by Boss我要入要哪块,是主句后面,还是从句后? eat just enough to keep themselves going so that they can make money翻译 中山陵是为了纪念孙中山而建的 用强调句怎么翻译 皮球掉到了一个洞里,怎样才能把它拿出来呢? 皮球掉在水里面怎样才能捞上来让鱼捞 皮球掉在油缸里, My coat is -----soft---warm.A both;and B either;or C not only;but also D so that怎么觉得哪个都解释得通呢?应是A,我选的C 旅行日记用德语怎么说 潮汐中,月球引潮力为什么会引起背月面的潮水上升