
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:30:10
能帮我看一下这道英语题吗?有很多地方想不明白.(汉译英,拒绝软件、网站等翻译结果,谢谢)檀城四周摆放的脱胎彩绘菩萨像,称为十二圆觉.圆觉就是圆觉之觉悟的简称,如来所证之理性具足 One,t_____,five,s______,nine补全单词 晓航 英文名是什么?谁帮我翻译这两个字成英文.“晓航” When you give me all the light翻译 英语翻译偶然在杂志上看到的,都是圣彼得堡的,地名如下:1.The Hermitage Museum (interior)2.St.Isaac's Cathedral3.Alexander Column in Palace Square4.Peterhof5.The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood就是这些了……麻烦各 英语翻译这句话来自惠特曼作品当中 英语翻译最好有铃声 404 File Not Found 这段代码有什么问题吗? 测试代码没有找到文件?谁能帮我解决下, 想找个有关晓字的英文名求大神帮助我的名字叫“陈晓”,想根据谐音取英文名,不要用姓.我是男生. 晓可以起什么英文名 女性英文名字里有关“晓”字的,最好和名字谐音一样的. who can give me Who can give me 是啥意思? who can answer ;dengfan DVD?谁能回答邓凡DVD? 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下句子,主要翻译would have done的翻译:President Obama has cancellded plans to set stronger air quality rules in the United States.The president said thouse plans would have forced businesses to take action at 英语翻译President Obama has cancellded plans to set stronger air quality rules in the United States.The president said thouse plans would have forced businesses to take action at a time when the country's economy is weak.On Friday,president Obama 高手近来看```英语里的would have done很是不懂```有哪些情况可以用它?时态里好象也有出现过. 出现 404 Not Found怎么办 FIND THE WAY是什么意思谁知道吗中岛美惠 唱的 Could you give me your answer as soon as possible? How can you promise me forever.If you can’t give me today? 英语翻译About two thousand five hundred years ago a Greek historian named Herodotus is said to have made a list of what he thought were the greastest structures in the world. Today is my birthday!could you give me a wishes Will you 英语翻译it is not quite correct to say that curiosity is best when it is disinterested but rather that it is best when the connection with other interests is not direct and obvious,but discoverable only by means of a certain degree of intelligenc Can you give me your wife ? i have already got a good job to lined up.如何翻译? 求find a way 中文歌词歌曲find a way 中文歌词 急用 给“大熊猫儿”注上严式国际音标 谁有好听的英文歌通通发过来吧. 叫野字的人应该起什么英文名 翻译I wanted to have him done the job,but he had it done instead What subject do you like best?怎么翻译