
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:02:46
The hotel is next to the park.(对划线部分提问)___ ___ next to the park?划线部分为The hotel the bank is next to bookshop.就划线部分提问.next to bookshop A father came home from work late ,tired and exhausted .A father came home from work late ,tired and exhausted .His little daughter was waiting for him at the door ."Dad ,may l ask you a question "the daughter said ."Yes ,Honey .what's it ""How much peter went shopping after he finished his homework 保持原句意思 月亮上有几点黑色的阴影,那是什么. she is an a______girl and everynoe likes her 英文好的进来下帮我英文名造个句子我的英文名GARY,请用一句话概括这个名字,句子中单词的第一个字母分别是G,A,R,Y.最好是比较好的句子,毕竟这是人名的阐述嘛,例如:Good actors replace you.还有 造一个带有英文名的句子英文名最好是Lucy 都说今天晚上松原有7级地震是真的吗 Things are different in China同义句things are _____ _____ _____in China 关于feel like的问题I feel like going to the cinema tonight,________?为什么要选do you?不选don't you?呢……希望能详细点,大谢! The traditional ( ) in China are very different from other countries.A、customs B、culture C、cosmetic D、food选哪个?怎么翻译? 月亮为什么有阴影 求初中作文《记忆是道风景》, I often hear her sing this songsing不用第三人称单数吗?为什么不是时间是I often hear her sings this song 记忆中最感人的一幕,初中作文用~~~~(>_ i often hear this song_____(sing),but i have never hear her____(sing) it. 下面还有Listen!you can hear her____ it now.这三个空怎么填,讲一下为什么 She likes to go to shool early 的同义句 She likes to b__ early 世界上最大的花和最小的花分别是什么? she likes to be early 为什么用be 世界上最大的花比最小的花大多少倍 世界上最大的花和最小的花是甚么啊?最大的花叫大花,最小的花叫小花.o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 世界上最大和最小的花是什么具体是什么 初中作文黑板上的记忆怎么写 大家教教我怎么剪纸花吧!我想学剪纸花,我一点点也不会,╮(╯▽╰)╭ 哪位大师能告诉我一些剪出来的小动物,植物,景物,静物,窗花等等一些剪纸作品呢?回答的得好的有额外奖励呢!我按照你 同学们剪纸花,每人剪20朵,需要18人,如果每人剪15朵,需要多少人?如果12人去剪,每人要剪多少朵? 怎么剪纸花 剪纸中的花怎么剪?我害怕有人敲诈我财富,所以好的话加分. 夏家三千金皓天为什么和友善上床 我们家孩子九个月啦!晚上睡觉老是哭闹是怎么回事啊?以前不哭! 直到我回家,妈妈才去睡觉 Mother ___ ___ to bed ___ I came back home.