
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:32:23
请问i哪位有 listen to this1就是英语初级听力的MP3下载 MP3格式的 全的,请发到邮箱gaozhanlavender@163. 请问有 listen to this1就是英语初级听力的MP3下载 MP3格式的 全的,dyc00123@163.com I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.中的that old people can't be beautiful.是同位语从句还是定语从句?全解新旧版本中解释的不一样,不知哪个是正版. 【The person】主语【 to whom you just talked】定语从句作定语 is his father 这里的定语从句to whom 是不是做宾语 是做定语从句里的宾语吗 那就是说不管主句的事咯 就是定语从句里做宾语 是不是把它 英语推理类Four friends live in a small town.their names are john,Miller,Smith and Carter.they all have different jobs.One is a farmer;one is a doctor.it's Tuesday afternoon.Jobs son breaks his leg and Jobn takes him to the doc-tor.the doctor's s 英文推理!Who is the tallest?Jack is as John.John is not as tall as Bob.But Ken is tallest than Bob.Who is the tallest of the four?A.Jack B.John C.Bob D.Ken 英语的推理到底是 几点One day an old lady wanted to go to London to see her son.She got up early and arrived at the small station at nice o'clock in the morning.Because this was her first trip to London,she didn't know the train time.She was Do you have to look right first when you walk across the road?怎样回答 —Can we run across the road now?—No,we _ .We have to wait until the light turns green.为什么B—Can we run across the road now?—No,we _ .We have to wait until the light turns green.A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't为什么选B,can' 急求Listen to this 3 的mp3音频文件,如题! 为什么孩子要早期学英语?说一下早期学英语的好处? ”学英语做美丽气质女孩“用英语怎么说? listen to this1的听力原文,以及MP3放文件请发送到mislinyi@sina. I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.这个句子与目前所学的句子有什么不同?I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.这个句子与目前所学的句子有什么不同? 宏碁e1471g左边金属是漏电还是静电? 英语中级听力2 listen to thislisten to this 2 的MP3和文本的听力资料能给我么。 LISTEN TO THIS 2英语中级听力 各位有没有LISTEN TO THIS 2英语中级听力的直接答案啊,我材料都有了,就缺答案了, 谁有英语中级听力listen to this 2.文本和MP3我都有,就是差答案.哪位朋友有的话分享下吧! 英语中级听力Listen to This 2 lesson15请问哪里可以下英语中级听力Listen to This 我需要这两句话的英语,非常急!父母赋予我们生命,哺育我们成长,教给我们知识技能和做人的道理 .父母对子女的爱是最伟大最无私的爱 Tom,___football hereA.not play B.is not playing C.don't play D.doesn't play 德语:vor dem hintergrund 含义? 国家为什么支持中原经济区建设 The policeman asks the children_____(not play)in the street.Look!She___-(lie)in the playground..Thank you for__-(give)me the presents Please ask him___(call)me back as possible.It's not easy for our parents___(make)money Tom,______(not be)afraid.I'll one's是形容词性物主代词还是名词性物主代词当它泛指一个人的时候 one's是什么?形容词性物主代词还是名词性物主代词?是单数复数都可以吗? 不是说代词前面不能加形容词吗?为什么能用the other one?one是代词啊 德语nach dem Weg是什么意思? Each one of them 等于 一个词语 德语:Auf dem Weg zum Mittagessen.Gleich um die Ecke 请高手明示, " Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ________.(angry)按正确形式填空 .急.. ''Don't play football on the road,children."said the policeman.改为间接引语The policeman___________.