
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:15:57
“go off”这个词组在过去式中怎么写? 7.22的日食在哪里观察最好? Her hair is very beautiful感叹句 7月22日食最佳观测地点贵阳能看日食吗? why don't you go yourself why you don't go..这两个句子都正确吗? 改为被动语态,顺便讲讲,thank you.Do the workers build a lot of buildings every year?Does kate sometimes break glasses?Do the people in Australia speak English?Do they clean the blackboard everyday?Do you always send a New Yearcard to Mr Smit Why don't you go there yourself?急求释义句子How do you like this MP4?Anne finished her craft by herself.All of the books are mine.释义以上句子.A vet looks after sick animals.英语翻译成英文,意思不变以上几句英文都是英 Why don't you try yourself?的同义句我很着急, "100%的去努力争取"用英语怎么说 it picture a of beautiful flowers is (.)连词成句 这个月22号的日蚀在成都能看到吗要去成都玩,但是不想错过日蚀,问问,成都这次的日蚀能看到吗,在EM那边能看到吗,如果在峨眉山上看日蚀感觉肯定爽呆了,知道的人说说吧 it is like a beautiful picture.这句话什么意思? Reading different books can help you i-- yourself in some ways首字母, 怎么防止日记被偷看? 怎样防止日记被偷看?我的日记被同学偷看了,我很伤心,我想知道怎样才能防止日记被偷看.请勿说:“用加锁的笔记本.”如果说得好,我会提高悬赏分.忘了给大家说了,可以在日记本上写些东 日记本放在桌上,如何避免被偷看 如何防止父母偷看自己的日记? AB是圆O的直径,C是弧BD的中点,CE⊥AB于点E,BD交CE于点F.(1)求证:CF=BF(2)若CD=6,AC=8,求圆O的半径及CE的长. 把函数分区间表达,并作出函数图像 如图,AB是圆O的直径,C是弧BD的中点,CE垂直AB,垂足为E,BD交CE于F,若CD为六 AC为8 求圆直径及CE的长 把下列函数分区间表达(1)y=|x| (2)y=|x-1| (3)y=|x+1|(4)f(x)=5-|x| (5)f(x)=-5+|x| 中秋节见闻600字,急 中秋节心得体会,400字左右! 另外值域怎么求啊…… How 's your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?-It ____ be,but it is now-How 's your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?-It ____ be,but it is now heavily pollutedA.willB.wouldC.shouldD.mustwould不是表示过去的习惯吗,可以理 这个怎么函数分区间表示 There is a beautiful forest around the lake的中文是什么 高中英语情态动词—How’s your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?—It ________ be,—How’s your tour around the North Lake?Is it beautiful?—It ________ be,but it is now heavily polluted.(07 全国卷I)A.will B.would C.should D. when was it__ your mother showed your around the west lakeA until B if C which D that 正确答案选D 理由? 大学英语考级过程、时间… 请问这款电流马达是什么牌子的? 高山流水的深层含义