
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:06:15
把德国兵比成野兽用了什么用了什么修辞手法 ( )失所望( )得志( )器晚成 野兽来了,野兽来了——就都跑了 用了什么修辞方法? 敌人进村时,小朋友高声喊:“野兽来啦!”这句话运用了什么修辞手法? 汽车像凶猛的野兽这句话用了什么修辞手法,起了什么作用 all that information中的that是什么These books,which you can get at any bookshop,will give you all that information you need.all information不就行了吗?that是什么? 豹字可以先查什么部再查几画音序是什么音节呢? he hasn't come to school for two days 这个句子对吗 spend time on playing games正确吗?spend time on sth .可是我的老师讲的是spend time on playing computer games.playing computer games 不然这是错误的吗? 蔡京是忠是奸?他与王安石关系怎样? as time goes by i will get older and older as time goes by i will get older and older as time went by .we will get older than before.as time went by .we will get older than before .我要回答什么?半夜在线等翻译帝. “野兽来了,野兽来了”体现了什么?(选自《夜莺》) 我们称日本侵略者为鬼子.外国小少年“夜莺”称德国人是野兽,他们有什么共同之处?这是两篇课文分别是小英雄雨来和夜莺之歌,看过的请回答一下! 夜莺的歌声中野兽指的是德国兵;孩子这样说的目的是什么 he is a (f ) person many people know him all over the world 什么叫资产类的备抵账户? 如何判定是不是爱因斯坦标记法?比如说:T_ij=t_ij*n_j为爱因斯坦求和约定.T_ij=t_i1*n_1+t_i2*n_2+t_i3*n_3但是我怎么才能知道T_ij=t_ij*n_j是爱因斯坦求和约定呢?为何T_ij=t_1j*n_i+t_2j*n_i+t_3j*n_i不对呢?还 以下哪项不是按用途和结构分类 的账户A资产类账户B暂记类账户C调整类账户D对比类账户 账户按用途和结构分类,"现金”和“银行贷款”账户属于什么账户A存盘账户B货币资金账户C资产账户D费用账户 除夕夜的大街就像( ).(填写句子)帮一下忙呀!先谢了! 仿造句子 例:昆明湖静得像一面镜子.除夕夜的大街就像( ) not so much word I would say求正解翻译, I'm not making anywhere near as much money as I did.这句话怎样翻译.anywhere near怎样理解. Like you,but dare not say to you.Would you please tell me,how should I speak?求翻译 How ( )next Sunday?是about吗? if somebody tells you,"i will love you for ever,"will you believe it? 翻译new、if you ever lovd someboby put your hands up 100条成语要有解释``、造句、写上标号``. 成语100条请给我100条成语,难度适中即可,写明其出处,意思,用法. Youth means ..sth over sth,of the appetite for sth over sth,逗号后的of连的是什么成分,能分析下吗 感谢老师同学的歌 最好是流行歌曲 适合中学生唱的 在联欢会上要用 100条成语!急要一字开头的