
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:41:17
希望答案要对的 1,HOW'S your tour around the north lake?Is it beautiful?A.will B.would C .should D.must这个题目选择b和 c有什么区别?Having checked the doors were closed,and ---all the lights were off,the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A,why B.that C.w 几道英语选择题.帮一下忙哈.1.Why do you blame him for the failure _____ he really needs is encouragement?A. when that B. now that C. when what D. when which2.Bill plays football _____, if not better than, Robert.A. as well as B. as well C. watch that map thank 的单词中哪一个读音不同哦~ There is only ( )water in my glass.Would you like to give me( A.little,some B.a little,some C.little,any D.a few,someThis car is( ) I've ever seen.A.best B.better C.the better D.the best.翻译:我比你犯的错少. —Who was in this room when Dr.Liu called?—____ you ____ I was here just now.We were both playing basketball on the playground.A.Both;and B.Either;or C.Neither;nor D.Whether;or 1.The girl applied to the headmaster ( ) the scholarship.(A) to (B) with (C) in (D) for 2.He received a ( ) bullet wound in the head and died before we carried him to the hospital.(A) urgent (B) vital (C) important (D) chief 3.The government attached 英语 , 1.( )our blub,please!A.join B.join in C.come D.go2.Let's ( ) and ( ) football on the playground.A.to go,to play B.go,play C.to go,play D.go,to play3.Let's( )the map on the wall.A.look at B.see C.watch D.look 顺便帮我解决一下.I think tenni 1.There are only ten apples in the baskets,_the spoilt ones.A.not counting B.not to count C.don't count D.having not counted 2.It is an offence to show _ against people of different races.A.distinction B.difference C.separation D.discrimination 3 Sandra Clark is a _____ starA.runB.runningC.runnerD.runsSue doesn't read every day,but ____ sports.A.playB.playingC.playsD.to play —When shall we leave?¬— As soon as I ______ what I _______.A.have finished,am doing B.finish,will do C.finish,do答案先不公布,免得有的人牵强附会哈~ Students with a learning problem may have trouble following directions.___ they may not know how to start a task.A.Or B.Either C.For D.But选A,请帮我分析一下并翻译原句, 1 She greeted me in a friendly______.a) hobby b) manner c) habit d) custom 2 _____help is better than no help.a) each b) either c) neither d) any 3 What's the bus _____ to the zoo?a) cost b) charge c) fee d)fare 4 Faced with this situation ,they ____ 19.David _______ Shanghai for more than three months.A.came to B.has been to C.has been in D.has come to 20.--- Is your father a Party member --- Yes,he ____ the party three years ago.He _____ a Party member for three years.A.joined; has been B.has j 请说明原因1.We have shirts ___ white,yellow,red and brown.A.of B.with C.in D.on2.She saw Mike ____ into the kitchen just now.A.run B.to run C.running D.ran3.She can wear ____ she likes only at home.A.that B.what C.which D.it 4.Our clothes can al Look out!Don‘t get too close to the house——roof is under repair.A whoseB whereC of whichD that 说明理由Alice and Tom are deskmates.They sit behind _____.A.Ann and I B.I and Ann C.Ann and me D.me and Ann 1.He ( )the apple( )halvesA divided,into B.divided,from C.divide,into2.He needs( ).A.go B.to go C.goes D going3.keep( ),the bsdy is sleepingA.quick B.quiet C.quickly D.quietly 需要说明理由1.It looks like_____,doesn’t it?A.rain B.rains C.rained D.to rain2.Our English teacher is good.He ____ English very interesting.A.makes B.feels C.finds D.thinks3.Can you _____ with your classmates?A.come along B.go on C.get along 英语选择题(帮忙说明理由)It is a lot of() doing shopping in it.A.interesting B.interested C.funny D.fun 请详细说明原因,我英语差,1.Persuaded that he wanted the facts,we provided him __________ he needed.A.with that B.with which C.with what D.for which2._______with a significant drop in computer and software advertising,the magazine is pursuin I like taking _____.It is much fun.A.photosB.picturesC.medicineD.shower 选什么为什么呢?My brother is two years___than i,but i'm as___as he.A older,tall B old tall C younger,taller 选什么,为什么?if you have never kept any pets,you will not be able to know the pleasure of watching the pet you have kept ().A.play B.to play C.played D.playing 选什么为什么In the past few yeas,there___great changes in my hometown.A have been B had been C have had个人认为选择C项,感觉应该是现在完成时态,过去的几年里家乡有很大的改变,那这个改变应该继续的,所以是 选什么为什么呢?Jone doesn't want to tell anybody___.A where does he live B where he lives C which room he lives这道题是不是后面那句话应该是陈述语序啊?A项应该是不对的吧,那BC两项哪里有问题呢? 选什么?为什么呢?Which of the follwing is wrong?please ___down what i said before you forget it.A take B write C note D make 一道英语选择题,为什么?Our flight to Tokyo was delayed by twelve hours.A typhoon ________________ the east coast,and it was chaos.A.beat B.hit C.struck at D.attacked on顺便请解释4个单词在用法上的区别 一道英语选择题,选什么、 为什么?—— no friction between the surface of the road and our feet,we could not walk at all.A If there was B Were there答案选的是A 、B为什么不对了.没搞清楚的不要乱来一气 我承受能力 Her main duty in this company is the phone calls.A.answer B.to answer C.answered D.answers 英语 选择题