
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:51:31
Madium ,was - all doubt the best scientist in her day ,won two Noble Prize.A without .B beyond .C among .D with 几道英语选择题,请各位大侠们帮我解答一下为什么,I am amazed _______ this little village is a paradise to live inA.that you would think B.tha you should thinkC.by what you are thinking D.with waht you are thinkin 1.Please call me______ 870-4458.A:in B:of C:at 2.There is a set of______ on the desk.A:key B:keies C:keys 3._______ are good friends.A:Jim and I B:Me and Jim C:Jim and me D:I and Jim 4.Is your notebook______ the lost and found case A:in B:at C:to D:o 羟基醛基羧基可以通过氧化还原自由转换吗羟基=》醛基 醛基=》羟基 醛基=》羧基羧基=》醛基氧化还原的方法 一氧化碳还原氧化铜试验中为什么要先通气再加热?那么如果先加热再通气会有什么后果? 铁和稀hcl反应的化学方程式急 Fe与HCl反映的化学方程式 Fe Al Mg与O2、HCL反应的化学方程式 KAlO2与HCl反应化学方程式· 判断下列反应是否能发生,如果能,写出化学方程式.Mg(OH)2+HCL Stand ( ) so that the picture to be taken will be clear.A.still B.calm C.yet D.even最好还能有中文翻译. 分析化学 红外光谱CH3-O-CO-CH=CH2和CH3-CO-O-CH=CH2的羰基伸缩振动分别是1715和1760,为什么 () Which of the magazines will you take?I’ll take ______,one for myself,the others for my students.A.none B.neither C.all D.both一直在C与D中徘徊,请说明选C或D的理由。另外 问句中的Which是否代表只有2本杂志,我也 试比较以下化合物,羰基伸缩振动的红外吸收波数最大者是哪个?为什么? 各位大侠:请教一道英语选择题.急!非常感谢!His gift______ revealing teh mysteries of the universe.A. of B. for可否给出解释或例句。为什么?怎么几个网友的答案都不一样呢? 在萨特勒红外光谱图中收集苯甲醛、苯乙酮、苯甲酸甲酯和苯甲酰胺的红外光谱图,记录其中羰基的振动频率.在萨特勒红外光谱图中收集苯甲醛、苯乙酮、苯甲酸甲酯和苯甲酰胺的红外光谱 红外光谱中羰基和酯基的峰各是在哪里出峰? 4.One Sunday,Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan,but Dan happened to be away.Dan''s brother John offered to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing.Mark agreed and they set out to sea.Soon they found themselves Robert is nine years old and Joanna is seven.They live at Mount Ebenezer.Their father has a big property.In Australia they call a farm a property.Robert and Joanna like school very much.At school they can talk to their friends,but Robert and Joanna c 英语阅读理解(选择题)Many years ago,three lived a doctor in a small town.He was good and kind.Everyone in the town( 1 )him and people always went to him when three was something wrong( 2 )them.But later,as the doctor became old,he had a bad m The book The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin is probably one of the most famous books ever written by a scientist.Yet it is a book which the writer did not want to publish; he only agreed to make his theory known to the public when he was forced 经常梦到以前的男朋友是怎么回事好像是只要白天我想了晚上就会梦到,昨天晚上我感觉自己说梦话说到他了 已经分手2年多了 没有梦到以前发生的事,就是梦见他这个人 很郁闷 这样的情况能 谁能帮我看看我测的苯甲酸红外光谱里的峰指的是什么啊?这些峰值是:3175.61 1685.371396.051292.261178.64933.38707.45 在红外光谱中若羰基与苯环直接相连,会造成谁的峰的分裂? 指认苯甲酸中羟基、羰基和苯环单取代吸收峰的位置是紫外吸收 为什么沸点低于熔点,它可升华 用足量的一氧化碳还原三氧化二铁,生成的二氧化碳全部通入石灰水,得到2.25克沉淀,求被还原的铁是多少克 碘能升华是不是应为熔点比沸点高?氯化铝呢? 足量一氧化碳还原2克氧化铁,生成的二氧化碳跟足量的石灰水反应生成3克白色沉淀.求样品中氧化铁的质量分样品中其他物质不与一氧化碳反应结果用小数表示 沸点最高的金属是什么?铼还是钨? 用一氧化碳还原某赤铜矿样品(只要成分是Cu2O)60g,将反应生成的二氧化碳通入足量的澄清石灰水,用一氧化碳还原某赤铜矿样品(只要成分是Cu2O,还含有不参加反应的杂质)60g,将反应生成的 天有常道矣,地有常数矣,君子有常体矣.进行翻译和详细地哲学分析若有能力,可加以对“大天而思之,熟与物畜而制之;从天而颂之,熟与制天命而用之。”的补充。