
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:36:16
--Will you please bring me some oranges,Lucy?该怎么回答啊?1.That's right 2.All right 3.That's all 4.No matter哪个正确? please bring me some milk sally的同义句 选择:When you go to the post office ,will you please ____some stamps back for me?A.bring B.takeC.carry D.go 一道初中补全对话题A: What can I do for you B: I’d like a sweater for myself. A: 1______________ B: I have no idea. A: 2_____________ B: I prefer green, but this green is too dark! A: 3 ______________ B: That’s too light! A: 4 _________ 英文翻译:总有一天我会拆了我家浴室.每天都撞伤自己.浴室真的好危险! could you please make some room for me中的make是什么意思 怎样可以轻松学英语啊最好详细的告诉 英语中几个介词的区别有几个介词比较迷糊,about for of to with不知道什么情况下用,感觉一用这些就迷糊,查了查他们有些意思大概相同,可是用却不对 祖国的巨大变化 作文 英语 各个介词的区别from of about in by so 这几个词的用法的相同点和不同点.另外,麻烦列出 最常用,搭配性最强的几个介词的相同点和不同点.苍天啊、、我后天就期末考了。可怜可怜我吧 Will you please give me__?A.some B.any 请问是不是应该选A? will you please give me some of yourforeign teachers' e-mail address who is willing to make friends with Chinese so taht I can practise my oral English and I will teach him Chinese.thank you ,appreciatly!i don't wanna U interprte it but do it! will you please give some advice on english at home?well,do a lot of reding and listen to english programsA how to read Bhow to learn C when to use Dwhere to ues 请问同济大学学德语的有分院吗?可以把具体地址写一下吗? 怎么区分英语中的介词? 上海外国语大学德语vs同济大学德语 我不知道哪里不对劲 英文翻译 三大产业 三大产业是什么? 2002年的总产值是200,2007年的总产值是800,2002年总产值是2007年的百分之几?快的加90倍分 教学楼,实验楼用英语怎么说? 教学楼英语怎么说? 勿折花草用英语怎么说 上海暑期哪里读德语较好?(除同济外)收费分别是多少?我是初次学,希望有读过的人能回答.最好是在普陀区 Mum,could you buy me a dress like this?Certainly,we can buy_____one than this,but____this.A a better;better than B aworse;as good as C a cheaper;as good as D a more important ; not as good as(还有讲解.) I______I don't like this dress.A.mean B.guess C.think D.know I like this dress. I like that dress.(两句并一句) I like this dress.I‘ll take( ) 教学楼用英语怎么说啊? 上海的同理心德语教的怎么样?朋友说不错,谁去过给我说说. 同理心的德语师资咋样啊 在车站开始检票时,有120名旅客在候车室排队等候捡票进站,设旅客按固定的速度增加,检票口的速度也是固定的,诺开一个窗口,则需30分钟可将排队等候检票的旅客全部检票完毕;诺开两个人窗