
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:28:28
to do / to be doing / to have done / to have been doing/doing/having done/done能分别造几个句子区分一下吗.谢谢 选择了高山,你也选择了坎坷.接着写. among 与between的区别she likes to live among the working peoplethere are spaces between the rocks.为什么前者用among 而后者用betweenrock就不是三者以上吗 among和between有什么区别?(还有,比如所在句子的形容词是用原级或最高级?) between和among有什么区别 break the broead sweep of flat country翻译 this larger flat is on the top floor of a five-sto-rey modern block of flats翻译 The flat is the third ___ flat in the building.(large) 英语翻译中文翻译 with+n.+doing/done/to do?..with+n.+doing/done/to do 它有两种说法:1.with+n.+doing(正在做)/done(已经完成)/to do (将要做)2.with+n.+doing(表sth.是主动)/done(表sth.是被动)/to do (表将要做的,且sth.被动)哪种对,或都对, with+n.+done/to do/doing都怎么用呢?请举几个例子吧,rt with sth doing with sth done是什么区别with sth doing是表示正在进行呢,还是主动with sth done是表示已经完成呢,还是被动那么如果我想表达正在进行 被动或是已经完成 主动那怎么办?回答具体全面 才有 with to do 与with doing /done的区别 我咋老搞不清 with doing /done的区别 根据句意选词并用其适当形式填空That woman got out of her car and asked the boy what _____【take place/happen】Now you have to make a _____【decide/decision】他习惯于早上早起【be used to】________________________________我 初中范围内的四道英语问题,求详解.1.When she came back/when she will come back/when will she come back 三者有何区别?2.动词不定式(to do)和动名词结构(doing)做主语究竟有何不同?3.有be different from . to .这 择了高山,你也选择了坎坷;选择了.,你也选择了.仿写 between 和 among的区别? between和among的区别?Pragmatics is particulary interested in the relationship between sentences and the contexts and situations in which they are used as a process of habit-formation.上面这个句子的并列词用的是between,但是,连接的 如何快速使铁磁化现有材料:一把铁尺,2快磁铁(大约是1立方厘米大小) 怎么使铁尺磁化?我一个方向用磁铁摩擦铁尺,磨了100多下,还是没反应,是不是摩擦的速度不对? 如何将铁针磁化? 有哪些国家的官方语言是中文啊?除了中国和新加坡!还有什么? 世界上有哪些国家以汉语为官方语言? 现在有多少个国家以中文 汉语做官方语言的用简体中文的除了中国大陆还有别的地区吗 选择了高山,就选择了坎坷,选择什么,就选择了什么选择了什么就选择了什么? 关于between 与 among 用法的区别The wage between college and high school graduates continue to ..这句话中为什么用between 而不是among ,college and high school graduates 不是指的是三者以上吗? for ,about ,among ,between的意思和用法 汶,普通读音有wén的吗?汶,作为名字,普通话可以读wén吗?一定要读wèn或mén?就像名字:黄伊汶的"汶",普通话读wèn或mén,似乎有点奇怪!"汶"字的读音除了wèn和mén,还有没有其他读音? 汶川的正确读音汶川到底读什么啊! 汶川的”汶”怎么读?新闻里读1234声的都有.. 汶川的汶怎么读 动词后缀是“er”的变为指人的名词,至少举出5例.