
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:31:20
The game helps you learn English __ tasting your konwledge of English grammer and vocabulary.A.by B.with C.to D.bafore When __ the teacher __ here?He has __ here for several hours.A.has been;come B.did arrive;got C.did come;been D.has left;been away How is your English study?Not bad.But I ______ learning English grammar.A,am interested inB,am good atC,have a little troubleD,have no trouble 大象和猛犸有什么区别? 燕子零点七小时飞行78.83米,大雁三点六小时飞行255.5千米.燕子飞得快还大雁飞得快(保留两位小数) 燕子0.5小时飞行18.5千米,大雁3.5小时飞行255.5千米.(1)燕子每小时比大雁少飞多少千米? 小学数学应用题燕子0.5小时飞行18.9千米,大雁3.5小时飞行255.5千米,请问燕子每小时比大雁少飞行多少千米? 一只大雁2.4小时飞行162千米,一只燕子3小时飞行243千米.这只燕子的速度是大雁的多少倍 人无法听到悄翔的蝙蝠发出的声音,原因是:A.蝙蝠飞翔时发出的声音太小; B.蝙蝠没有发出声音; C.没有传播声音的介质; D.蝙蝠发出的声音频率太低 .麻烦帮我解释下具体点 蝙蝠的发生频率是100 Where elsc can you find these signs?同义句_ _ _ _can you find these signs You can listen t______ jazz or pop music. 西班牙文me Quedo te amos翻译成中文什么意思呢? te me no ya zi ma da ma da~ 英语翻译so let me come and get ya right 《十日谈》读后感 十日谈作者是谁 the country CDS are _____the dance section.Ain front of B in the front of Cbetween D after选择什么?怎么翻译? Don't read in bed or on the bus中哪个是乘车的单词 十日谈 上下怎么样 十日谈精选怎么样 《十日谈》讲的什么呀? 十日谈作者 分类储存数据的精准英语翻译 The mother told her son Don't read in bed The mother told her son,"Don't read in the bed."=The mother _____ her son ____ _____ read in the bed. The mother told her son,“Don’t read in bed.”怎么直接逗号后面就可以接句子 1.The mother told her son Don't read in bed The mother told her son,"Don't read in bed."(改为简单句) 顺便再带点点分析哈 Mr Zhang is mild in character.He never shouts he is very angry.A.if B.even C.though D.even when选什么?为什么不选D? Mr Li was very a__ with the naughty boy and he left the classroom a__ 请问怎翻译该句:A rich man is not one who has the most,but one who is content with little. 补全句子.the boy is lost(迷路).help the boy f_____ his mother. 一年四季都有的是什么动物