
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:29:01
处女座星系和狮子座星系之间距离有多少光年? 室女座星系的形状像墨西哥人戴的阔边草帽,距离地球多少光年?如 题 西语大舌音半年还不会肿么破.我是真心想学会.不要安慰我不会也能懂那种话.各种方法都试过可是舌头还是只能单颤肿么破 用模型做月相实验有哪些缺点? 什么是认知能力,人的认知能力包括哪些 放螃蟹长螃蟹眼老年人常说抓到螃蟹不能放,放了自己就长螃蟹眼,长过之后很痛的,这种说法正确吗?请问是怎么来的?补充:我就抓到一只小螃蟹,然后把它放进小水塘了,没过一两天,我的左脚 水淹螃蟹眼睛螃蟹眼睛会不会瞎我家养了几只螃蟹,水淹过螃蟹的眼睛了, 螃蟹的眼是复眼吗 世界上最二的人是谁 用排山倒海 情不自禁 夜以继日 千变万化 荒无人烟 不约而同 大公无私 千方百 什么颜色最朴实 新房装修要现代简朴那种颜色好 陈胜吴广是楚国人吗?陈胜和吴广是楚国人吗?当时的大泽乡是楚国的境地吗?急,明天就要的.. 楚国人用什么写信 为什么每个区楚国人最多? The sign is on the wall.划线部分提问划线部分:on the wall 站在自动扶梯上的人,随扶梯匀加速向上运动,则下列说法不正确的是A重力对人做负功 B支持力对人做正功 C.摩擦力对人做正功 D.合外力对人做功为零 如果世界上没有影子会怎么样呢? Loans offered with federal backing were the lone form of student debt to expand, but only because求翻译...谢谢谢谢谢~~~Loans offered with federal backing were the lone form of student debt to expand, but only because the government stepped in 一 选词填空 are,for,on,is,at,are 二 将下列句子由单数变成复数1 There___a book___ the desk 2 There is a pen in the pencil1 There___two men ___ the door 2 What colour is this pen?1 THERE___three books___Sandy 2 Which is your pen?2 This 用he she we they it you 填空The man is very tall.( ) is a policeman.The girl is very smart.( ) is a student.Our names are Li pin and Wang Lin.( )are French.Those women are busy.( ) are doctors.The cat is black.( ) is Tom's.Look at the dogs.( ) are HI+浓硫酸反应生成什么? Wetlands are also h_____to humans.They can clean w_____we drink. 为什么月亮会在8月15这天变圆?如题,还有为什么月亮会变化,过8月15就一点点不圆了,最后变成月牙,然后到下一年8月15前又一点点变圆了. 同种生物个体之间有时会存在很大的差异,如橡树http://www.hzsy.org/resource/jyzc24/00000414_a1.doc第7题选择题 Do the twins talk in the same way? They always move the same way as the wind.中的the same way是什么成分,应在怎么用? Andy wants to change the channel ,because the channel is too boring. 月亮会变圆吗 生物种类及种类个体数 But they also 27 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 28 .27.[A] pass [B] go [C] reach [D] set   28.[A] whole [B] unit [C] part [D] total28题是不是选A,请翻译一下, 带有马字的成语:希儿成才正确一点