
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:59:57
释能组什么词 they are student in No.2 Middle School 翻译 描写节日的成语. 描写节日热闹的成语 We are lucky to live in the 21st ce__ .How happy we are! 息字组词有哪些 什么息组词 怎么组词:息 地球公转平均角速度为多少度一天?如题不对啊、地球公转一小时不是15度吗?那么一天24小时。不是360度吗?到底谁的对啊? 地球公转角速度怎么算 有关节日的成语 lie 的现在分词怎么加? 我想学英语,学的比较好的给点意见吧.有没有最初级的英文电影推荐恩,听说从头开始学的,就多从初级的少儿童话形式的英文,中英翻译的电影看起但我不知道看些哪里而且很多,能看懂,有没有 用释旁边那个组词 释字的组词,最少两个 释 可以组什么词 1 (has) a party . 50. We are now (live) in China1. The football under the table is (he). 2. Helen (visit) her grandparent on Sunday. 3. Did you (watch) a film last week ? 4. I'd like (have) a party 动词应用Mr Wang .(teach)English in 1990 We are in China now中文意思是什么 M开头的结尾是数字5的英文歌歌名挺短的 大概5-7个字母的样子(加上最后一个数字5) Tom began to teach in our school for 10 years ago.Tom _____ _____ in our school for 10 years. 地球公转的角速度恒定吗地球公转,近日点和远日点速度不同,什么原因导致的? 把陈述句改为疑问句比如:The elephant is drinking water 把错乱的单词连成一句话:elephant/The/drinking/is/water/with/trunk/its/.这是一道暑假作业上的题 照样子写词语:不翼而飞 ( ) ( ) She is going to teach English in this school.(改为被动语态)English ______________________________by her. Mr Green teaches English in this school.(同义句转换) Some students are from American.___ (other) are from China.用括号内所给词 的适当形式填空 Lingling is from China.And Amy ______ (come) from England.给所给词的适当形式填空 The students are from_______(chinese)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 the student from China后面加Is?还是are?为什么 a_the students in our class are from china填空