
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:26:43
I spend what little time I had with my family.这里的what是什么作用啊,书上说是作定语, 下面这句话是什么意思?请举个例子说明一下.函数可以返回引用,但却会经常出现问题.函数返回被调用函数中声明的变量的引用时,变量应在函数中声明为static The problem is that I spend so much time _____my homework that I cannot find any time ___my hobbies dt什么意思 护照上的DT是什么意思 问一道题—My cousin is very clever but he doesn’t work hard at his lessons.—My cousin is very clever but he doesn’t work hard at his lessons.—____________.A.So is my little brother B.Neither does my little brotherC.So it is with my littl absorbed in his work,he has very little time___he can spend accompanying his family.A.in which B.that 为什么不可以选A my cousin is a very smart girl.(同义句转换)my cousin is a very _ girl. 有一个函数y=sin(2x-π/3),要将其向右平移π/3个单位时,为什么要先把函数系数分离化为y=sin2(x-π/6)然后再变为y=sin2(x-π/6-π/3)来求解?而将函数y=sin(2x-π/3)的周期减小到原来二分之一时,直接 是否存在α∈(-π/2,π/2),β∈(0,π)使等式sinα=根号2sinβ,根号3cosα=根号2cosβ同时成立?若存在,求出α、β的值;若不存在,请说明理由. 我是那么算的 为什么错了我是那么算的为什么错了 i was too busy those days,and i spent ____little time i had with my family. 名词性从句:i was too busy those days,and i spent___ little time i had with my family.填what?so? We are busy these days. In those days the workers had a hard time.We are busy these days.In those days the workers had a hard time.我在一篇文章中看见这2句话后面一句我明白需要加介词in我就是不明白为什么不能说 成语什么方正 前面三个是“方正不”的成语第四个是什么 公园游人很多.很多换成四字成语,意思不变 毅字能组什么词 “毅”字怎么组词?毅字要在后面谢谢了, 三角函数的平移问题比如把y=sinx变成y=sin(2x-π)先动周期还是平移?为什么? 三角函数的平移问题(急)先将函数y=4sin(π/6-3x)的周期扩大为原来的2倍,再将新函数的图像向右平移π/3,则所得图像的解析式为( )A.y=5sin(2π/3-3x/2) B.y=cos3x/2 C.y=5sin(7π/10-3x/2)D.y=5sin(π/6-2x)我做 《最后一头战象》描写嘎羧动作与神态的好处 最后一头战象 描写嘎羧神态和外貌的句子 关于最后一头战象嘎羧离开寨子时的内心描写 画蛇天足的另一个意思相同的成语是什么 银行的存款和税后利息是否成比例?成什么比例? 毅的组词至少3个 江苏行测中的定义判断,是要求与下面的句子一一对应吗?如果第一个定义对应第二个句子可以吗? 请给"见网友"下个定义 三角函数的图像平移 你是如何理解“我军前锋,业已切断镇江无锡段铁路线”这句话的含义?是八年级上的天下通第一课哦 和情深似海,痛痒相关,情深似海,恩重如山 像关的成语?