
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:57:15
please send me information on applying for my immigrant visa.请高手翻成中文,分析一下句子成份,on作什么成份? 大自然有那些恐怖现象 成均馆绯闻 成均馆绯闻里的"女林"是什么意思? 成均馆绯闻采访宋钟基时说的 loveline是什么意思啊和谁产生爱情路线?这又是啥意思啊?话说我这几天在看RUNNING MAN~钟基真是太棒了! 《成均馆绯闻》里面老伦和少伦是什么意思啊? 英语达人们来一下,英语中的谓语是原型吗比如说:She likes to study English.谓语是like还是likes呢?还有She wanted to study English.谓语是want还是wanted 求分析一下是什么从句,越清晰越细致越好,能普遍被看明白,需具体讲解语法.①who had been given a little terrier for his very own.②on which he bestowed the name of Paddy,and loved mightily.③which he was spending with s 初中三年英语的语法急求越详细越好等着急用,还最好要短语,固定搭配,词组 语句互换。 My family has a w__.__ my family has a (s ).快 后面还有 I can take a shower every day. treat 意思 treat 是什么意思 求treat的中文意思 请问这句话里的treat是什么意思?How do we treat both genders fairly without such a pronoun? “濒临灭绝” 翻译谢谢 心理描写的段落 谁给我讲讲初中语法 Twistee Treat是什么? 英语作文《My family》 初中语法现在完成进行时怎么讲ppt my family英语作文 这个语法怎么讲呢?Is that who I really am这里既有that又有 who 那他们分别引导的是什么从句呢? 这个语法怎么讲在这句he is a gifted child.中gifted是作的什么成分呢?是定语吗? 英语翻译When i look at my messy dorm room and list of homework on my agenda,i still can't believe i've been here for less than two weeks.And i can't help but partly wish i were back at camp,not college求翻译啊.这个还有题目 高中的几个政治短语的意思商品是个历史范畴货币供应增长乏力存款准备金率&存贷款基准利率扩大内需宏观调控希望您们用最简洁的语言来说明,说得太深奥,我也不懂,也没用. there are three bedroom in the house,_____is Mary`s.是the smallest of them还是the smallest one?说下原因,please &thank you See you then. 中东波斯湾地区历来是美国战略地图上的重要一点,请问美国为什么喜欢干涉中东问题(从历史和地理角度讲) The letter____from hand to hand untill all had read it.A.past B.was past C.was passed D.passed为什么? FELLOW MEN is the bird singing or sieep?(写出答语)it's running改为否定句some birds are flying in the sky对划线部分提问,划线部分:flyingi'm going to school by subway改为否定句mom is going to buy some food tomorrow,改为一般疑问