
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:39:14
soundless voice中文意思是什么? VOICE翻译成中文是什么意思 wwe奥尔顿出场音乐voice中文意思 "Where is the library?""Sorry,I ____ know" A mustn't B wouldn't C didn't D mightn't是不是应该选B, 赞美蜜蜂的拟人句一句!快 什么花水中开?什么花最难开? 什么花在水中开 命题作文《欣赏》给个新颖的构思吧~不需要文章(如果有更好), 初中命题作文用下面提示写一篇70左右短文1、与父母乘火车去厦门2、厦门是个干净的现代化城市,它有许多高楼大厦3、去了鼓浪屿,在沙滩上踢足球,在海里游泳4、买了一些纪念品5、我们度过 have a population 不会是“有…的人口”吧?那也太假了…那in the 请瓜同学再造个句 To have some knowledge of a foreign language is a must for people nowadays.还有must为什么前面可以加a 难道可以为名词吗 关于自然的拟人句,有不? 怎样才能让鲜花在没水的情况下保持水分 描写周围环境的拟人句 关于山水的优美拟人句 大自然很单调这句话怎么改成拟人句 英语翻译他挑拨我们俩之间的关系.【不要翻译机,地道点的】 声音是voice还是voise,2个意思分别是什么 介绍我一个? voice是什么意思? We won't come back until we ____ the work.(finish) 赞美秋天的拟人句 怎样使瓶插的鲜花延长存活时间 使鲜花插得时间久一些,可以实用下列哪种方法将花枝的剪口用火烧焦 给花枝剪口滴上几滴香油 给花枝剪口滴上食盐水 北宋被金灭的内部原因,其中蔡京做了什么 蔡京是怎么死的? When we have a dictation of useful expressions ,__ ,our teacher speaks very fast.Later on,he tells us the Chinese meaning.A to tell the truth B to begin with C first of all D by the way.请说明原因 The teacher didn't tell us___ A.how to go to the park by bike B.when to have a party ...The teacher didn't tell us___ A.how to go to the park by bike B.when to have a party 选哪个?同学们都说A中How和By bike不能一起用.但是我是这样 We .should tell our friends when they are wrong的意思 有关于 两赢童贯 三败高俅我看三败高俅 宋江明明是三仗都胜利了 可是题目三败高俅让我糊涂了啊啊啊!后来想是不是三败高俅是三仗打败了高俅啊?到底三败高俅是哪一方胜利了? 梁山伯英雄几次战胜童贯 mother made a promise ( ) I passed the exam she would buy a computer for meMy mother made a promise ____ I passed the examination,she would buy me an MP4.[ ]A.that B.what C.if D.that if请问为什么是D?其他选项为什么不对?