
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:40:25
They were playing by the door a short time ago.(改为否定形式的疑问句)如题. (1)y=根号-sinx定义域,(2)y=tan(x+派/3) knock at the door 和 knock on the door有什么区别吗详解,谢 knock at the door和knock on the door到底有什么区别? by a passing plane,和by a knock at the door1.he strated to complainthis wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.2.i think this house must be koncked down by a passing plane为什么加a不是by后不加a吗? They knock door to door for hlep 动态规划和贪心法有什么区别?有什么联系? 在整式的乘法中 同类项乘同类项的法则 中围绕了梅花写了外公五件事是()()()()() 《梅花魂》写了外祖父的哪几件事只要四件ing! 某种群中,AA的个体占25%,Aa的个体占50%,aa的个体占25%.若种群中的雌雄个体自由交配,且aa的个体无繁殖能力,则子代中AA:Aa:aa的比例是( ) A、3:2:3 B、4:4:1 C、1:1:0 D、1:2:0 梅花魂,围绕梅花写了五件事:五件什么事? they were surprised to see that the house was on fire单句和复句的转换 road,surprised,a,that,they,crossed,snake,were,the.(连词成句)求帮忙 they were all surprised to see that it had so white long hair and it looked baautiful的意思 They were surprised that the picture was gone的同义句是什么 一个两位数,两个数字的和是x,若个位上的数字是y,则这个两位数是? 利用整式的乘法公式计算25+50×75+75 描写秋天稻田里景物的诗句 (把句子写的生动,具体,语句要美一些)1.杉树的叶子全变成了红色 2.秋天到了,稻田里一片金黄3.烈日炎炎,大地热极了 把句子写具体:这花开的多艳啊!_____________________ 稻熟了,茫茫稻田一片金黄.___________________求一个 好听的 好理解的 具体模式 I am really wrong! Baby,I think I really wrong!I\'m sorry to bother i am sorry,but i dont think i am wrong,said last night is feeling to be honest..翻译成中文 I am wrong who really very sorry ``who能省吗不对可有原因? 三角函数a=π/2+kπ,什么情况是正半轴什么情况是负半轴,k=多少时候 一艘客轮8月30日11:00从重庆开出,9月1日17:00到达武汉.从重庆到武汉的航程是1354千米.除去中途在码头上停船时间6小时,估算这艘客轮每小大约行多少千米? 小学数字问题应用题20道 谁来出出啊 3Q I am thinking of you 高一英语改错Whenever I am disappointing with my life,I will stop or think of littleWhenever I am disappointing with my life,I will stop or think of little Jamie.At that time,Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play.HIs mother told me 1949年的中国发生了翻天覆地的变化请你根据下面三幅历史图片简述这一年的变化过程以及对中国历史的影响. I am thinking of you翻译一下