
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:07:17
火和薪组成的成语 薪和火能组成什么成语啊 有关父母的诗句 与父亲有关的诗句一定是有关父亲的,不能带上母亲 有关感谢父母的诗歌或句子 词语运用,将答案写在题号后,用其适当形式填空,每空限填一词,有两个词是多余的.短文:It is (66)___ today.The children are at the gate of the (67)___.They are excited (68)___ they are going to see the animals in it.It is (用所给词正确形式填空 一次用一次 一空填一词.有两词多余)allow cross danger busy attention careful slow against take speak others ifRecently a lot of people have been punished for speaking on their mobile phones while driving 对不起,我来晚了,用英语I'm sorry for the late这样对不对 I'm so sorry so late reply you.英语语法是否错误?请帮忙纠正 I'm sorry I'm late.(改为同义句)I'm sorry _____ _____ _______. 对不起,我来晚了,用英语I'm sorry for the late这样对不对I'm sorry to be/arrive late 求做10道初三英语“用括号所给单词适当形式完成下列句子”,并指出所填的词修饰的哪个用括号所给单词适当形式完成下列句子并指出所填的词修饰的哪个.重点是需要指出这个填的词修饰的 When will your father come back?____-A.Not until tomorrow B.For a long time C.Until tomorrowD.yesterday 你爸爸什么时候回来?When will your father________back? 我要考级咯,求教在五个月之内背完10000个单词的好方法! 考toefl 一个月就要记10000单词 我后面记了 前面就忘 怎么办啊 急死了 某同学在ab两家超市想他看中的随身听的单价,书包的单价也相同,随身听和书包单价之和是452元,且随身听的单价书包单价的四倍少八元.该同学上街,赶上商家促销,超市a所有的商品打八折销售, 某同学在ab两家超市发现他看中的随身听的单价相同,书包单价也相同,随身听和书包单价之和是452元,且随身听的单价比书包单价的四倍少八元.(1)求该同学看中的随身听和书包的单价各是多 失物招领处的那个书包是你的吗的英文 他的书包在失物招领出吗?用英语怎么说? Do you know when your father---- l do not know.But if he ----- ,l will tell youAcomes comes B will come comes did your father tell you when he would travel to londondid your father tell you---------?A why did he go to Beijing B how he goes to Shanghai C when he would travel to London D where he has spent his holiday选c求解释 Did you cry when your father ___(tell)you about the news?填空以及原因 i'am sorry that i lost your book句型转换i'am sorry()()your book 绿绿的草地像什么 红红的枫叶像什么?绿绿的草地像什么?什么样的什么东西 I'm so sorry for replying you late这句话对吗? 学英语,英语有十几万个单词,难道都要老师告诉什么读,然后死记硬背吗! 学英语就凭死记硬背吗?有没有其他的办法? 学英语的方法就是死记硬背吗?方法?方法?可以的话我还会加分的呵…! 死记硬背单词!我家小孩子学英语很费劲! 英语翻译little dog long ago,and it liked our younger daughter very much.Whenever our youngest daughter Anna started putting on her school uniform our dog kept running back to her room and fetching her ‘normal' clothes as he knew that seeing her