
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:53:54
老师在英语课堂要“热闹”吗? price tag是谁唱的啊 3个3个数多1,4个4个数少1,5个5个数又多1.问这个数是多少? 5、6题和2、3、4、题请教各位, 新概念英语4册学完,能有什么样的水平? at the age of 请问一下at the age of 与 by the age of 的区别.还有最好给一下例句.__the age of twenty,he had written two books. in the age of by the age of at the age of的区别in the age ofby the age ofat the age of的区别 学完新概念英语的第二册之后,英语词汇量能够达到多少?听说能够达到中级水平?这是个什么样的概念?能看懂英语电影吗?或者是一些英文小说? price tag歌词中文版 英语翻译不要加英文! 是in the age of 83还是at the age of 83?为什么? In 1986,at the age of 18...In 1986,at the age of 18,he became the youngest prize winner in Moscow's Tchaikovsky International Competition. in one's thirties的意思是more than thirty 还是at the age of thirty?He began to work when he was in his thirties.在此句中in his thirties 的意思是 more than thirty 还是 at the age of thirties? every other 后面能跟复数名词么?看到网上的一个资料,这么写3 “every other +基数词(大于或等于2) +复数名词” 意思是“每隔……”.例如:I have to work out every other two days.我每隔两天就要作一 Most of us were born in the 1980s 改错得说明 what do you think of the people born in 1980s? Please tell me the ""(基本的)idea about learning English well. 世界无烟日为什么要定在5月31日,有什么特别意义吗 每组中相同的图形代表相同的数字 每个图形代表的数字是几 She took her son,ran out of the house,and ______ him in the car,drove quickly to the doctor's .A put B to put C putting D having put这题选什么呀?我觉得是A啊 take him as one of our 六月的英文 cost of sales 具体包括那些项目? Cost of Accommodation和 Cost of Messing的意思是什么?报价是遇到的,不知道两者的区别.全名是SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR STAFF (ON SITE) ACCOMMODATION and MESSING,求翻译! leave for,get away,get away from与leave from的区别及意义尽量详细一点,急 lie about one‘s lie about不是消磨时光的意思吗?和这有没关系? i think it is ____to lie about one's age.(honest) worry about troubles of one's own imagining every后面加单数还是复数? 电视剧may queen中文意思?有什么特别的寓意吗? cost of sales与cost of goods sold 的区别