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英语翻译 关于英语时态题求详解1They won’t buy new clothes because they ______ money to buy a new house. A. save B. are saving C. have saved D. were saving. 2--- I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. --- I’m sorry, by then my le 英语翻译Mexico’s neighbors are the United States to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south.Mexico is about one quarter the size of the United States.More than 90 million people live in Mexico.The language of Mexico is Spanish.This make 生成一个10×10的二维数组,要求该二维数组位于两条对角线上的元素均1,其余均为0,并输出该二维数组 生成一个10×10的二维数组,要求该二维数组位于两条对角线上的元素均1,其余均为0, 编写程序,建立并输出一个10*10的矩阵,是该矩阵两条对角线上的元素都是1,其余元素为0 依旧是英语时态题,求详解Wind power is an ancient source of energy( )we may return in the near future.A.on which which which D.from which为什么不能是D呢?可不可以说一些关于介词+关系代词的定语从句的答 英语时态讲解及练习,急求. 二战后美苏关系发生了哪些转变 为何发生这些转变 二战期间和二战后,美苏之间关系发生了什么变化?原因是什么?不需要太过于复杂 已知:如图1,点C为线段AB上一点,△ACM,△CBN都是等边三角形,AN交MC于点E,BM交CN于点F.(1)CE=CF (2)EF∥AB 在计算物理题时,出现温度(t)和时间(t),两者该怎样区分? 关于时态的英语单选—Sorry,mom.I'm late.—What a pity!Jenny( )here to see you.She should be on her way home B.was C.had been D.will be我选的是C,错了.答案上给的是B,为什么啊 英语 单选 11.I am told that you have passed the exam and got first prize.Who __ so?A said B had said C says D has said12.I thought Tom would say something about his vacation plan ,but he ___it.A doesn’t mention B hadn’t mentioned C didn’t m 英语时态单选1.The UN says more than 100 bodies——in lvory Coast in the past 24 hours ,some of them burned alive.A is found B was found C have been found D had been found2.Come in,Peter,I want to show you somthingOh,how nice of you!I ----you 二战后美、日、苏外交关系的演变过程 美日 美苏 的 外交关系 的 {1/3,1/2,3/5,2/3,5/7}用描述法表示集合 二战后美欧、美日关系的演变过程 中指和无名指弯曲至手心,其余三个手指伸展的手势是什么意思啊?有什么特殊含义吗? 这个手势的含义中指竖起,有不良的含义吗? 两道英语时态题1、These monkeys are such quick thieves that they _______ your bananas when you realize what has happened.A、will enjoy B、are enjoyingC、have been enjoyingD、will be enjoying2、In this experiment,they are wakened several t It is said in the book that Tomas Edison __________ the world leading inventor for sixty years.A.would be B.has been C had been D was-George and Lucy got married last week .Did you go to their wedding?-No,I ___________.Did they have a big wedding?A.w 2道有关时态的英语题1.-Have you graduated from college?-Yes,.A.I studied French for two years.B.I had studied French for two years.2.Mr.White works as an officer now,but he in a company for several years.A.worked B.had worked第一题选B第 美苏关系发生了怎样的变化 历史题目美苏斗争对战后国际关系有何影响?我的书本放在老家 大侠们幸苦 该手势的含义 手势的含义 已知集合A={x+y,2y},B={2,1}且 A=B 求x,y的值 {1}小明和爸爸今年的年龄总和是50岁,5年后小明爸爸的年龄是小明的3倍,小明今年多少岁?{2}A车和B车同时从甲、乙两地相向开出,经过5小时两车相遇后又各自按原速原方向继续行驶3小时, 轮船在码头之间航行,顺水航行需要1小时40分,逆水航行需要3小时,水流速度是12KM/时.求2个码头之间的距 轮船在两码头之间航行,顺水需要1小时40分,逆水需要3小时,水流的速度是12千米/时.求轮船在静水中的速度.一元一次方程