
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:56:06
一个乒乓球从50分米的高度下落,第一次弹起的高度是下落时高度的五分之二,第二次弹起的高度是第一次弹起的高度的五分之二,第二次弹起是多少分米? 乒乓球的下落速度什么时候最慢 Children's literature这个词组的中文解释 求let it go歌词的中文解释 Let it go歌词中文谐音大哥大姐帮帮忙! the music is all around us ,all you have to do is listen.如题 All you have to do is 的用法.后面是跟to do sth还是ding sth All_____you can do to comfort her is to listen to her story a what b that c which 一个一个选项讲一讲, down the long steep road of U shouldn't have run across the road without looking,u would have been knocked down by a car.请分析一下这句中的虚拟语气是怎么用的?前后的时态是怎样的? I have been dowm that road.句子中的down是什么词性啊现在完成时的主动时态构成不是have/had+Ved吗?这里的been是什么意思呢?down这个词又是怎么回事呢?请大家帮忙分析一下这句话,谢谢! somebody only 有这个词组吗比如TOM有本书 他想表示这本书只能自己用 在书上写“TOM ONLY” 可以吗?好久没接触英语了 脑海里第一印象是这样的 不知道对不对 英语翻译若是人工必采纳!on our first night in the house,we ripped up every square inch of the new green carpeting and dragged it to the curb.where the carpet had been,we discovered a pristine oak plank floor that,as best we could tell ,had Lafee 《on the first night》歌词 求:和on the first night相似的英文歌.带点小忧伤………… 英语翻译On Tuesday night EA is scheduled to reveal the first demo of Battlefield 3,its Call of Duty competitor set for release this Fall.这里的set何解? All you have to do is do sth为什么是do sth?而不是to do sth? 谁能把Let it go 的歌词yes(爷死)这样翻译一下拼音也行 dream up和dream of的区别 关于乒乓球,我是初中物理教师,我的解释错不了 1220期天天向上当中那首英文歌曲叫什么,其中歌词大体是its the beautiful for night 前奏是da da da da da ...歌词是put your heart on the Saturday night.开头一首女声英文歌还有重复着一句there're our luju 什么的… I can't join you because I______ help my mom sorry,I can't help you because it is really beyond my B.time C.reach D.heart我想知道为什么 I can't j____you because to help my mom on weekends we have to carry some water 改成祈使句是什么? 西班牙语中的hay和tener都有”有”的意思.那二者有何区别?望详解,最好有例句哦. hay在西班牙语里面是怎么用的? 西班牙语里HABER和TENER的区别是什么?通过有没有主语判断我知道,但是有没有其他使用上的区别?另外形容词可以作谓语吗?在现代西班牙语,第一册,第六课的语法中,关于疑问句词序的第二小点 [w63] -Do you have anything to say for yourselves ? -Yes, there is one point ____ we mustinsist on.A.why B.where D./请翻译,并分析.答案 D the sun has been waiting for such an important job as this and will be happy to help us.这句话中的as this 如何理解 西班牙语:Tener和haber的区别.请具体些