
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:47:58
best subject 中文意思是什么 夏洛的网赏析根据内容好坏悬赏 He show interest in singing.(改为同义句) He_______He show interest in singing.(改为同义句)He_______ __________ __________ singing. He shows me an interest in space travel(改成同义句) 单项选择:He shows ____ in music.A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.an interest 介绍一下远大前程的内容把?英语更好,中文也行 the activities what good A:sounds B:does C:sound D:play 过去将来完成进行时的结构等详解谢谢急 The songs of S.H.Esound——.THEIR CDs sell__.A well,well B good,dood,c,well,dood D.good,well 【急】as is often the case中的as为什么不能换做whichas is often the case中的as为什么不能换做whicheg.As is often the case,he didn't study hard and failed to pass the exam. 英语翻译是翻译成“他们的某些独特的技术,和,有关声音使用的技法”还是应该翻译成“他们的某些有关声音使用的独特的技术和技法”并且还要说明为什么.并且不要跟我说要看上下文. It is possible for you to work late tonight?-___It is possible for you to work late tonight?-_______A.I like itB.I'll do thatC.I'd love toD.I think so may i stop work a little earlier tonight?no you ()A.needn't Bmustn'tCwon'tDshould't Harry Potter is fantastic.(用What做感叹句) To be a basketball palyer like him is my dream.改为同义句——(两个单词)my dream to be a basketball player like him 改为这样的同义句 may问,什么答好象是must那 must 什么答 Joe____________(特地)to buy a birthday cake for me yesterday. 夏洛的网主要人物 《夏洛的网》人物都有谁? Ben should( wear warm clothes).括号部分提问 ( ) ( ) Ben ( Nick was _____ late for work today.1)a couple of2)much3)a little4)a few请告知准确答案 在德语里什么是动词? --Don't be disappointed.Have another go,OK?--_____.为什么不填No problem 而填 Good idea喃? 请问One sofa cushion looks much like another unless you have something to go Her mother says,"___go to another shop to have a look."A.we are B.let us.Mum___it is too expensive and she doesn't have so__money.1.Atells Bspeaks C.says D.tells.2.A.many B.much C.few D.little 说明理由 补全英语单词:一、afr.d 二、 .ha.k 注:.处为空格,需要补全.另外加上汉语意思 advice 有复数么. Volleyball is often played when the weather is fine 什么句式OK? July is the month < > is usually the hottest.A,whose weather.B,when the wheather 为什么答案不选A.我知道B对着,但是我不明白这个月的天气 为什么不属于所属关系。 英语习题不会,求助ING,谢谢O(∩_∩)O哈!英语1. We often have ( ) supper at home. A. us B. ours C. our 2. John is ( ) experienced at training than Mary is. A. more B. worse C. much 3. A: ( )is Davi 认识论上两条根本对立的认识路线是() 求“卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭”的全诗