
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:09:36
sam has to feed the dog while his parents are out.(改为一般疑问句) __ is known to us all,cattle feed on grass A It B This C which D as 初一下MODULE1英语填空题根据局以及首字母的提示补全下列单词Please d( )carefully(小心地)on the street happen,happens,happening有什么不同? C.was happen D.happens 选哪个 When will you be seeing mr.A可以这样改吗,可以改成When will be you seeing mr.A`加下为什么.这句是疑问句. 初中一年级下英语Module_5_Shopping练习题 - 豆丁网 中的完型填空 some children are made _____a lot of homework after school.A.do B.doing C.to do D.done Cattle ____ chiefly _____ grass.A.feed ;on B.feCattle ____ chiefly _____ grass.A.feed ;onB.feeds;onC.give;toD.feeds;for 英语 He _____his homework two hours ago A. has done B. had done C. did D. was doing 选哪个?答案是C.怎么我觉得是D,两个小时前应该是一个时间点,用C应该是finished还差不多,用did是个什么语法? 英语翻译上下文:Didn't Bertrand Russell say at the end of life that his longing for love had governed his life?Why do the songwriters in our society,more than anything else,write of that same recurring theme?Love is the longing of the human h is,cinema,my,there,city,in,a.连词成句 回答正确is,cinema,my,there,city,in,a.连词成句 to the nearest whoie number翻译 He___his homework now.I know he has a lot of homework___.A must be doing/to do B must be doing/doing C can be doing/to do D can be doing/doing 负责华中区域(湖北、湖南、河南)市场开拓及销售.翻译成英文怎么说? 人们都喜爱观赏日出,无不赞叹太阳升起时的壮观景象.而对日落,却很少有人去流连观赏,吟咏描绘.修辞手法 落日的幻觉中人们为什么喜欢观赏日出,却很少有人去流连观赏日落 糊涂侦探 GET SMART怎么样 为什么人们喜欢观赏日出,却很少有人去流连观赏日落 是否有08年的中英文介绍主要是要有英文的比较全面的剧情介绍,再配有中文翻译 华为s9306“ interface Eth-Trunk12 port link-type access port default vlan 2001”这是什么意思 get Don't get smart! get smart是什么软件 port link-mode route是什么意思 Women's cs team有误吗?CS女队 ,这样拼写对吗? DROP-SQL语句属于一种什么功能的语句 SQL语句有哪几种类型,各类型的主要作用是什么? 比较一下两个语句的表达效果有什么不同?1.人们都喜爱观赏日出,无不赞叹太阳升起时的壮观景象.人们都喜爱观赏日出,都赞叹太阳升起时的壮观景象.2.可惜这种美丽的紫光并不多见.但这种美 if he ( )me about it ,I would not have knownitA.hadn't told B.told C.hasn't told D.tells He's loved Maths since he 后面应该填什么? Mike’s health has been ___ improved since he gave up smoking.A much B so C too D very请告知这个英语单项选择为什么选那项,别的为什么不选?最后还请翻译一下这句话谢.. A woman tearfully explained ____she had recently lost her husband in the accident.