
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:01:25
英语,短文填词....terrible tsunamis h___ in the Indian Ocean.More than 100 peoplelost their l___ and millions of people lose their homes.They needed food to eat,water to drink,and medicine to help those who got h___ .They needed help.many countr 英语读后感怎么写好记好学的…… 英语默写作弊方法大全是默课文!好长的,烦死了!老师也在兜圈子. 英语考后感想怎么写? 英语默写作弊的方法! 为什么万圣节小孩要去人们家里要糖? 介绍万圣节孩子们可以干啥?英文的没 我们的用英语怎么写 短文填词Once there was a poor old woman.She lived by herself in a little house in a village,She didn't have m_1_money but she was very kind.One day a young man named Bill came to her d_2_.He was very thin.He was very hungry and a_3_the old woman 根据实际情况填词,完成短文这道题是在小学四年级下册暑假作业本上的题目(是英语的)My name is《 Lin na》.I'm a《 girl》 .I'm a 《student》.《 ..?..》Iike《spots》.My best friend is《.》 She likes 《read 一篇文章当中,给出首字母,再填词这是属于完形填空中的什么题型叫什么名字? “人生要丰富多彩” 用英语怎么说? 万圣节所说的“不给糖果就捣蛋”,用英语怎么说? 美国学乐儿童英语投资要多少钱? 给孩子报名美国学乐儿童英语品牌好不好呢? 学英语到美国学乐儿童英语品牌怎么样? 英语短文填词! 快点,急~~It was sunny a little time ago,but it is windy and cloudy ( ).Li Lei thinks,"It's going to rain." It is raining hard."( ) can mother come home?"Li Lei says to himself."I must ( ) rubber boots(雨鞋)and an umbrella( 用英语翻译“努力让这个哭泣的男孩平静下来” 我听见有一个男孩在哭.英语翻译 万圣节要糖果怎么说 他们很忙 用英文怎么写? 他们的英文是怎么写 用英语表达下面句子【急】1.她小心的用手打开那位女士的背包,拿里面的钱包2.你立刻上前制止,然后和大家一起把那个男孩送到警察局尽量不要用太难的单词,初中水平就可 学着用微笑带过哪些无所谓的伤感英文翻译 英语翻译Mr.and Mrs.Dursley,of number four,were pround to say that they perfectly normal,thank you very much. 他们中的一些用英语怎么写 用美式英语表达下列句子1.Have you got an English dictionary?2.Mr Smith isn't at home;he's on holiday.3.She lives at Beijing Road in the town centre.4.I have bought some sweets in the shop.5.It will be sold in the theatre with the programme. 他们是我们的 用英文怎么说 这样的英语句子表达对吗?这项重要的项目是我负责的:this important project is in the charge of me. 你们家孩子都是怎么学英语的? 都说小孩子学语言快,我都24了学英语还来得及吗? 在美国生活快4年了英文还是很烂,一直在打黑工,都说小孩子学语言快,我都24了学英语还来得及吗? 在美国生活快4年了英文还是很烂,一直在打 九上英语