
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:46:57
把一个圆柱形橡皮泥揉成与它等底的圆锥体,高将( ).A.扩大到原来的3倍把一个圆柱形橡皮泥揉成与它等底的圆锥体,高将( ).A.扩大到原来的3倍 B.缩小到原来的3分之1 C.扩大到原来的6倍 D.缩小到 一个圆柱形的橡皮泥,可以做()个与它同底,高是它高的2分之1的圆锥形橡皮泥.A.2 B.3 C.6 “黑木耳”是什么意思? 请问“黑木耳”是什么意思? 我国的森林草原类型? 谁知道黑木耳是什么意思 根据水热条件划分,草原的主要类型有哪些? 锡林郭勒草原好吗?算是典型的草原风格吗? 中国草地(草原)类型分布图?是类型分布图!不是分区! 英语找不同其他的重读音节1.A.beautiful B.expensive C.tomorrow D.include 2.A.between B.enjoy C.October D.wonderful 3.A.quarter B.pratise C.meeting D.weekend 4.A.activity B.important C.energy D.material 请教一下;用电笔测火线亮.零线不亮.用交流电压220V电压表测只显示70V;是怎么回事? Rest Friend Forever是什么意思? A true friend is forever a friend是什么意思 呵呵,有多少种意思…… 英语:小偷偷走了自行车.怎么说? 怎样培养孩子的语言表达能力 C4H8的同分异构体及命名 my father plays football on sunday .改一般疑问句 He (plays football) on Sunday括号里怎么提问 "当十一点十五的时候,一个小偷偷走了它." 英文译 [用过去式翻译这个句子.]小偷偷走了XX的单车. “转朱阁,低绮户”中的绮念什么读音?苏轼《水调歌头·明月几时有》中“转朱阁,低绮户”里的绮念qi还是yi,明明是qi字音,怎么歌曲中唱的是yi. 380v电压如何改成220V 民用电电压220V如何改成380v? 1.The flowers were so lovely that they__________ in no time.A,had been soldB,were sold请问A怎么不可以?2.Every year,when the peach blossoms are at their best,a festival_____at the Beijing Botanical Gardon.A.is heldB.will be held请问B为何不 请教3道英语单选1.A big fire broke out in a restaurant last night,______at least 5 people.答案是injuring.为什么不能用having injured?2.Who will take____office and become the president of that country has been under discussion some time 请教三道英语单选1.Here are a lot of old rubber gloves ____ fingers have holes in ____.A.that;these B.whise;them C.which;it D.where;that2.The palace was heavily guarded,because inside its walls_____.A.where lived the Queen B.lived the Queen C. When he was ___ , Joe went to the United States .这是一道英语选择题,我不会所以向大家请教.选项 A on his twentis B in his twenties C in his twenties D in his twenty The early settlers who came from the eastern United States... when was __ jazz was born in the united states? Awhen was __ jazz was born in the united states?A.it that B.it C.time求大神解答并说明其原因 When the talented violinist was fourteen,she t___ the United States 中国古代描写离别的诗词有哪些?标明它们的题目和相关句子.