
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:43:46
I'M having fun 这句子是什么语法啊? fun可以用在句末吗?A computer game is fun是不是病句?它是名词还是形容词? Young children usually have much (h ) to do after school. Many young Chinese parents have no choice but ____ their children to the grandparents .A to leaveB left C leave Dleaving 文言文《鲁仲连谏孟尝君》的译文 怎样将fun(a)fun(b)fun(c)的值加在一起#includeusing namespace std;class Circle{public:Circle(){}virtual double const Area(){return 0.0;}protected:float zhijing;};class DBarea:public Circle//顶部面积{public:DBarea(float D){zhiji the buddha's birthday什么意思 一句英语诗句 shat on the Buddha's head意思翻译遇到的,是一句诗里面的. 实现a和b交换 if(a ni,de,wei,zhe,zuo,ma,shi这些拼音怎么拼成一句话 关于I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it.behind it在句中的成分和意思 both drinking and smoking have great i______on our health o ba,gam sa ha mi da,and zuo wa hai I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it.thought为什么要用some 来修饰 I perfer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it.的翻译 for my shadow that watches me work,it means I am in the sunshine I think it both have advantages and disadvantages 有没有语病 before的对应词 jog的过去 fast的对应词 high的对应词 start的近义词 be goog at的近义词组 解释充分就业的预算盈余 北京人遗址现在状况和历史时期的状况包括森林面积、河流状况、动物数量、植物种类.求各位大侠帮帮忙,急 君子有三乐题目答案,快速 we should keep quiet in the l__when we read books in it ______( look) for you at the party,but I didn't see you.填什么,为什么用looked ,looking哪个对? l am a boy,senior high student 这句话不对吗? 作文〈青春的翅膀〉帮我写 人生不能没有追求.人生只有插上追求的翅膀,才能翱翔;人生只有 ,才能 .仿写前面的 mini boy and clever student 仿句“渴望生活,渴望创造,渴望有一副轻灵的翅膀” when i was at university ,i (would) read at the library for hours.括号里面填would 我很不解其它选项might could should 杨生义狗给一下翻译拉``急需啊!~这篇文言文要表达的中心意思是什么啊?`` 杨生义狗的翻译谁知道《杨生义狗》的翻译?就是《搜神记》里面的?谢谢 杨生义狗 表达什么中心