
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:29:39
video cassette的中文意思 video 什么叫玻璃发光顶 that is a board改为一般疑问句拜托各位了 3Q I think that that that that that student write on board is wrong 城市固体废弃物产生途径 碳、氧、氮、氢四种元素的原子个数比为什么 当加油机为飞机A加油时以什么为参照物可认为加油机是静止的可以是加油机吗?飞机A呢? There are twenty ( ) A women teachers B woman teachers 用160克铜和40克锡熔成合金,要使合金中含铜84%,需再加入多少克铜 girl students为什么girl 不加S.woman teachers 还是women teachers? 用160克和40克锡熔成合金,要使合金中含铜84%,需要再加入多少克铜? 祸不单行:日本地震海啸&利比亚遭美英法袭击.为什么? 优劣汽车膜的鉴别及正确的贴膜方法有哪些? 下列共价分子中各原子最外层都具有8电子稳定结构的是A.N2 B.HCl C.NH3 D.H2O 共价分子中的原子一定是8电子外层电子构型吗 五个女教师到底是用five women teachers 还是five woman teachers? 10个女教师是10 women teachers,10 woman teachers 10 women teacher 10 women teacher? 过热器和再热器向空排汽门的作用是什么? “婚姻”的英文单词,多中英文表述有“P”开头,有一部美剧叫“The p……” 和婚姻,结婚有关 求:和婚礼有关的英语单词,名词和一些描述性的单词比如像新娘,婚纱之类的词 结婚英语单词 l have three sisters .they are all___ A woman teacher B woman teachers C women teachersDwomen teachers 原子满足最外层8电子稳定结构,我知道怎么做了,这个不用回答.我只是想知道共价化合物它是相互借用电子形成稳定结构的,那如PCl5为什么有单个原子没有形成稳定结构,不应该都是已经稳定了 I have three sisters.They are all()A.woman teachers B.women teacher C.women teachers 请问,压强,海拨,温度,沸点,它们之间的关系是什么? 压强和密度与温度又关系吗? Beth was sitting in an airport hall,waiting to board a plane 完型 --- I must to now.My plane’s ready to board.---Goodbye._______.(Don’t worry / Have a safe trip/ Don’t mention it) It is hardly surprising that eventually Johnny managed to get on board a plane.在这句话中,另外,get on board...是一个固定词组吗?后面可以直接跟a plane吗? when Jack hears that--is coming soon,he goes to board the plane ... 找出Women’s day is in March 中的错误