
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:47:25
有四根木条,长度分别是1cm,2cm,3cm,4cm,从中选出3根木条拼成一个三角形,一共可以拼成__不同的三角形. 中译英,译一句话这本书如此好看,以至于我还想重看一遍. 大家快来帮我取英文名,我是女孩,中文名是3个字lmj大家能不能多帮我取好听点的,我看见很多名字,我最终选择了Marie Lee 三根长分别是6cm,3cm,4cm的木条,可以拼成一个三角形?说明理由,就给采纳. in the field 还是in the fields? 狮子座小女孩子的英文名!我的女儿叫张紫乐,今年3周岁.狮子座2005年8月8号生日.麻烦各位帮我可爱的女儿起一个好听又好记和名字有关的的英文名,.非常谢谢啦(幼儿园要求的)方便请备注英 在某一个领域 是不是in the field of? in the field 是什么意思原句 She is still new in the field of acting and it will take her a long time to master tricks of the trade.我怎么觉得按照句子里的意思应该是 in the fields 还有一句 The flowers his friend gave him will This is a house that Lu Xun once lived .我想知道that引导的从句是定语从句还是同位语从句.答案上说是定语从句,打算为什么要用不定冠词a修饰先行词house.这样行不通啊! so ...that和so...as在定语从句中有什么区别?分别做什么成份?高二复习定语从句. the reason why he was late was that he got up late the house is where LuXxun once lived中why在he was late 中充当什么成分中why在he was late 中充当什么成分 填空This pair of gloves _______for Yang Ling?(be) 女生英文名Janice、Teresa 哪一个好? 女生英文名Kary、Janice、Teresa 哪一个好? 女生英文名Kary、Kelly、Janice、Teresa 哪一个好? 女生英文名Teresa、Kayla哪一个好? 女生英文名Teresa、Kayla 哪一个好? so that和such as的区别 This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.请问这里的the one什么指什么呢? This house is the one ____ young painter had ever lived in when he was young.A that B which 介词后应该用which啊 This pair of glasses is mine.为什么用 is 不用 are This pair of glasses ()mine.A.is B.are Is this pair of glasses yours?求个回答~是Yes,it is .还是Yes they are. about,how,weight,do,50kg,you,much连词成句 This is a pair of socks 改为复数句子 怎么改 连词成句Australia,much,know,you,do,how,about 女生英文名Jill、Janice、Chelsea哪一个更好? 女生英文名Lesley、Jill、Janice哪一个更好? Jill是男名还是女名?有谁知道Jill这个名字是男名还是女名?如果是女名,请介绍几个J开头的英文名,要帅气又好记的,像什么Jet、Jack、Jackie、Jerry的,太老气的,不要了, 历年英语四级听力真题mp3含文本打包下载,我的邮箱是111222333444lll@sina.cn 求2000年至2010年四级听力试题加文本,谢谢各位大哥大姐们了……邮箱chuzhenwei3846@sina.com mother's love mother's lovethere is no love,like a mother's loveno stronger bond on earth...like the precious bond that comes from god to a mother,when she gives birtha mother's love is forever strongnever changing for all time...and when her chi