
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:03:56
英语翻译Now,as the United States and other Western nations struggle to recover from a debt and property bubble of their own,a growing number of economists are pointing to Japan as a dark vision of the future.Even as the Federal Reserve chairman,B have to do sth是句型还是短语? have sth to do 这种句式,有点困惑后面不定式 do 是 及物动词,这没什么可说的,如果是不及物动词,动词后是不是 需要 加上介词 例如 I have nothing to worry about.那I have no place to go 或者 I have no place to it kid easy the being new at isnot school 连词成句 We have ten tennis rackets.(对 ten提问) 绞丝旁加垂是什么字 Seem to me that love is everywhere.请分析下句子成分,再翻译下.seem to me 啥意思?seem 不是“似乎”的意思么? 英语翻译金华市位于浙江中部.金华历史悠久,战国时的越国就有建制.金华山川秀绝,人杰地灵,金华市区的地势是两山夹一川.即位于北山(金华山)和南山(仙霞岭余脉)中间这块“金衢盆地 have the right to sth 这样可以吗?我只接触过have the right to do sth .今天听听力有这么一句,有点疑虑.谢谢,帮忙说说. 韩语翻译一段话,拒绝翻译器“给哥哥的这份礼物有点晚了,虽然哥哥说了不需要礼物,但是我已经准备了,不给的话很可惜.因为跟朋友学画画的时间不是很长,所以画的不是很好,但这也是我很用 The apple is not small.(改为肯定句句意不变) have a right to do sth ,have a right to sth 都可? 有have the contribution to do sth这个句型吗?它的固定搭配有哪些? Don;t you think you'd better go home now?翻译下 请问可以这么说吗?I better go home now. Whom would you___solve the problemAhave to help Bhave help Chave to help to Dhave helping James is not well.I think ___better go home early.A he'd B he C he's Lord Byron(拜伦)说过的In solitude ,where we are least alone是在哪里提到的 It can cause problems where we are least aware. What is loneliness?A man is alone.What is lonely?Think a person is alone.What is loneliness?No 间接引语Ana said:"i have a problem."Ana__us that she had a problem.这里填told还是asked?是祈使句吗? when bird watchers find a nest they are very careful not to disturb it lest the mother bird___frightened and desert it.A,should be B,will be C,would be D,could be改选哪一个答案? She will sing. 改为谓语be goingto、shall you should retrun the digital camera to Sally () she will not be angry为什么填so that,如何翻译呀? “I can not put up with you one person alone to but a painful one to like,have courage let person that know emotion of you alone than this.请说的明白点最好 They work up to find everything around changed.为什么用changed,和用changing有什么区别么, Do not let me alone a person.我就想知道这句话有问题咩.如果有,怎么改? They also carry pocket-pianner around to keep everything on time Businesses throw around the term to show they’re on the cutting edge of everything from technology they worked around the clock ,making it possible for everything to go smoothly.的翻译,有什么短语 The boy is afraid( ) his mother about it .She will be angry with him.A of tell B to telling C to tell 请问选什么