
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:47:41
361°足球上的英文 DARE TO BE 足球宝贝用英语怎么讲? :The students don't dare enough to talk with foreigner and teacher. 英语的句子,请讲解.谢谢! 句子,"dare to be different, please don't smoke "pleads one billboard c英语的句子,请讲解.谢谢!句子,"dare to be different, please don't smoke "pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among 你不来我不敢老去译成英文,You don't come,I'm dare not to grow old.这句语法对吗?这句翻译本来是原版的,但是一个外国朋友告诉我这句语法不对.I'm dare not to grow old 应该是 I'm not daring to grow old 或者I d 家乐福店长面试是什么样呀?我是沈阳的,要参加店长面试做储备干部.想问家乐福的店长都是外国人吗?店长面试一般会问哪些问题?如果是外国人是全拿英语对话吗?我口语不太好,听不懂或者说 tell me baby,我要买百变鲨王,tell me help~ 请问沈阳家乐福超市店长秘书的工资大约有多少?保密的工资也大约有个等级吧,那是处于什么级别阿?处长,课长还是什么?谢谢大家了 I tell Jim help me 这句话是对的吗 Help help help Can you help me____(找到我的自行车吗)? help,help 根据首字母写出单词,使句子合理. 1.how many s( )are there in a year?-four 2.Are the walls w( )?-yes ,they are. 3.look! the monkey is s( ) in the tree. 4.where does the rain c( ) from? 5.I’m c( 环上的绳子掉了 会有什么事情么?环会不会取不出来 或者是环自己掉出来 when is fall怎么回答 怎样快速说出一口流利的英语 一个英语现在完成时态一般疑问句的问题拜托了各位 谢谢当它是第三人称的时候 比如:He has studied English for three years.这句话怎么改成一般疑问句呐? has提前那studied要不要变成study? 帮我解决 You're done和You've done请问2者区别是什么 even people who are entrusting a parent to the care of a home rarely ask aboutthe nurse patient ratio,about the kinds of creative facilities or physical therapy equipment available,or even about the frequency of doctor's visits.and the government has 英语现在完成时态 求帮忙在陈述句中,ever,just 位置放哪? 例如我已经去过北京了.是I have"t ever been to Bei Jing.还是 I ever have't been to Bei Jing.同样,我已经写完了作业,是 I just have finished my homework.还 如何讲解“英语的现在完成时态呢?”现在完成时态里常用的时间状语有哪些? 怎么样才能说出一口流利的英语啊?` time-lapse analysis应该怎么翻译? ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL TIME SERIES WILEY SERIES IN PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS怎么样 英语翻译当有人写信向别人表示我非常忙时,对方回信中说道yes,you are a busy man.no time to go to the world series.like lazy me.请翻译后两句.为什么大家的翻译正好相反? 一本书,明明每天看15页,7天全部看完,如果每天看24页,可以提前几天看完. 小明看一本书,15页的一直看正好看完,如果前7天每天看15页之后每天看20页也正好看完,结过提早4天看完,求这本书要多少页 小明看一本书,每天看18页,7天只看了这本书的一半,之后他每天多看3页,小明看完这本书共用多了多少天 小明十二天看完一本书他平均每天看了这本书的多少五天看了这本书的多少七天看了这本书的多少 求8年纪上学期英语前6课的总结 legs are the parts of our bodies.we can use them to______ You'can phone the ___010-85698220 to give the money to Taiwan people.你可以拨打010-85698220 号码给台湾人民捐钱. you can phone the ____010-85698220 to give the money toTaiwan people你可以拨打010-85698220号码给台湾人民捐钱.那个空填什么?