
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:46:18
visiting uncle having they fun are their 连词成句 我是谁中的动物叫什么 they did not have fun on their day off ,I think(合并为一句) 我是谁?是人?是动物一般的植物? They had fun their friends on the playgrong(用介词填空) 我是谁.可以是人和动物的谜语 请问是六级比较难考还是雅思6.我的口语还不错.我的口语还不错.在读大一 猜谜语 我穿上衣服,不是一个人,我有四条腿,不是一个动物,我是谁? 雅思一个月详细计划,目标6.5 单6.六级430,雅思上次总分5.5,口语5,写作5.5,听力6 阅读6.5如题.时间40天.口语十分薄弱,写作上次小作文么有写完.读过新东方点题和环球口语,不打算再读培训班了网 There is no light in the dormitory.They must have gone to the lecture_____There is no light in the dormitory.They must have gone to the lecture,_____?1.didn`t they4.haven`t they选4 为什么 1不可以啊? Which shop do you want to go to?______near my home.A.one B.The one C.This one D.That one Which sweater____?A.you do want B.want you C.do you want 选出画线部分读音不同的单词 1.A.thess B.leg C.left D.friend 全部e画线 They didn't have a great time on their day off.的同义句 Where did they go for their day off?What did you do on your day off? I hope we can still make friends,all one's life.."Friendship.谢 i hope you can be more then a friend but my girl friend 怎么翻译? 英语过了六级,考BEC报中级还是高级?雅思六分.考了BEC有什么用呢? "走别人的路,让别人无路可走"这句话用英语怎么翻译? 雅思6分报考BEC中级好还是高级好?去年11月底雅思考了6分,听力口语较好,写作较差,想考今年5月的BEC,报中级还高级呢? 英语翻译谁能帮我把《走别人的路,让别人无路可走》翻译成英文啊. 英文走别人的路让别人无路可走怎么说谁知道告诉下谢谢了 如果四六级过了,雅思六分,报考BEC中级好还是高级好? 走别人的路,让人无路可走..英语,走别人的路,让人无路可走 谁可翻译下吗?还有 原文在英语里是怎么样的么? 英语leg的中文急用! three-leg running 的中文意思 请各位告诉我“leg and leg""so so"和"that is that"的中文解释是“寒假作业”上的,快一点! oh!my dear leg翻译成中文 I can bend my leg .(中文意思) 什么是哲学,哲学具有哪些意义智力 can you be by my siad like a good brother and all so life a good friend and i can tell my feeling tocan you be by my siad like a good brother and all so life a good friend and i can tell my feeling to you 翻译 They really enjoyed themselves during their vacation 同义句