
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:07:28
f Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter.Do you want to know about my morning?Well,l usually get upDear Mona,Thanks for your letter.Do you want to know about my morning?Well,l usually get up at around six fifteen.l do my homework at six thirty,and then l e 可以修饰立交桥的成语和句子 dear,1 want to do myself want to do i hope you can stand by me这句话可以这样翻译吗,“亲爱的,我想做我想做的事,并且希望你会支持我.错了,请帮忙翻译下 dear honey dear honey Why do you want to leave me? 我要中文 英语翻译还有‘起运国’如何翻译成英语. how you can tell that the business records inventory purchase net of any purchase discounts 求翻译 英语翻译同上,还有equity consideration,promoter怎么翻那?正在翻译一合同,原文:This Purchase Mandate under this letter is in respect of the Prospects as described in paragraphs one and two above is a subject of the shareholders and 写出下面这些字作姓时的读音.华 _______ 任 _______ 朴 _______ 单 _______ _______ 仇 _______ 曾 _______ 区 _______ 宁 _______ 查 _______ 在你眼里,家是什么?照样子,根据你的感受和想象写话.例:家是一本相册,记录着我成长的足迹.家是:写两个 将观书有感的一二两句所展现的画面用形象生动的语言描绘出来半亩方塘一鉴开, 天光云影共徘徊.把这两句描绘一下速度速度速度速度! 送友人将首联所展现的画面用生动形象的语言描绘出来 用生动形象的语言描绘“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬.”展现的画面.要展开想象,不要用翻译回答,不要太深奥,符合初二水准.短点的 最好别超过100字 He is 12 years old and 163 cm tall.One day he found May is name and___in a''penfriends'' magazine. Hi!your name and address are ln penfriends magazine. I find your name and address in a m____填空 i typed your name in google and found my blog 求中文意思,有什么特别含义吗? 英语阅读find and keep your friendshipFind and keep your friendshipEvery one of us ,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.Your friends will listen to you when you speak,will take care of you when you are sick,and will be togeth 翻译:They purchase life at the expense of honor. 英语翻译帮忙翻译下,The Download Allowance is the amount of data which can be downloaded without restriction within a rolling 24-hour period we have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ()We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.(Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed ) pay the contract price less a reasonale allowance翻译 We have worded out the plan and now we must put it into practice什么意思 英语翻译Under any allowance method of accounting for bad debts,the entry made when an account is written off is Allowance for Doubtful Accounts,debit; Accounts Receivable,credit. You have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _____[A.reality B.practice] We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.(Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed )说出理由 I have worked out the plan and I must put it into pratice 帮我把这个翻译以下呗! 短句合并成单句------(------(1)蚁族,并不是一种昆虫族群.(2)蚁族,是指大学毕业生低收入聚居群体.(3)之所以将该群体名之为蚁族,是因为这个群体和蚂蚁有许多相类似的特点:高智,弱 用关系代词将下列的两个短句合并成一个长句子.答对再加50.1.Tom lost a shirt.The shirt cost him a lot of money.2.We like to eat the fruit.Mother bought the fruit last night.3.The nurse always comes to work very early.The nurse we 16.Would you like to talk about something the major (MBA)you learn? Talk about what you’ve learn about Beijing 改错 Lily is f___today,so she can go for a walk 在中国银行用人民币兑换美元在用美元兑换欧元可以吗?有什么相关费用以及注意事项?