
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:11:26
some people may lend their helpful hands to us whenever possible 英语翻译 some people eat with their eyes .They prefer to order what like.A.looks B.smells C.feels D.tastes because of you ,i will change everything you didn't Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what_____nice.A looks B is looked 求选A原因 there are some people with their faces upward looking at an apartment house with yearning eyes第一个with 在句中是什么作用,修饰哪个词 Some of my friend eat with their eyes.麻烦翻译一下... Her sister can play( )piano,but she can it play( )basketball. He can play the piano.play不加S 是因为它不是谓语动词还是因为can是情态动词 或者两个猜想都是对的? Brad can play basketball.He want to j____ the basketball club. a.John didn't accept it,because of Mary.b.John didn't accept it because of Mary.有什么区别 Tony wasn't good at maths because he didn't____his teacher in classA.pay much attention to B.noticeC.listen 改错The shop is closing at this time of day. i think the shop is(close)at this time of day The shop _______(close) at this time of day,为什么是is closed呢?我们老师讲解过去进行时说会与at this time of 连用,可是这个为什么不是呢? the bank of china___at this time of day(is still opened\is still closed\still is open\is open stil)l the shpo is _(close)this time of day 函数化简(1+sinx/cosx)(sin2x/2cos^2(π/4-x/2)) 化简三角函数式常用到分子分母同除以cosα,为什么可以这么除呢 第一题 (x-1)/(x^2/3+x^1/3+1)+(x+1)/(x^1/3+1)-(x-x^1/3)/(x^1/3-1)第二题 √(9+4√(4+2√3)) Peter is afraid_____this coming English examination because he didn't study hard.in forofto 名著阅读题汤姆的肩膀上突然挨了重重一击,乔也没有逃脱.两人衣服上的尘土飞散在教室中,持续了两分钟还没有散尽.全班都乐不可支.刚才,两个男孩太全神贯注了,根本没有注意到老师踮着脚 He didn" t pass the exam ( ) he didn" t study hard. 有没有名著阅读题, 文学名著阅读题一日,关、张不在,玄德正在后园浇菜,许褚、张辽引数十人入园中曰:“丞相有命,请使君便行.”玄德惊问曰:“有甚紧事?”许褚曰:“不知.只教我来相请.”玄德只得随二人 几道名著阅读题《西游记》中唐僧师徒四人西天取经后分别被加封为什么?“李鬼”出自哪里?指什么?和《水浒传》唱反调,把农民起义称为“寇”的人是谁?他写的那部书叫什么? 名著阅读题!~快!从小到大,你一定读过不少感人至深的文学作品,回顾一下,其中哪一部文学作品中的哪个任务以其美好而高尚的品格深深感染着你?给你带来怎样的影响?请结合作品内容谈谈(15 求at the end of the day中文歌词,求At the End of Day by藤田惠美的歌的中文意思! at the end of the day的中文意思是什么? At the end of the day at (in) the end of the day用at\in还是on? I often play the piano. he likes to the play