
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 18:27:08
求高中英语选修六单词录音,第一个单词是realistic. 帮忙—丅、“Realistic upward”把这个词的读音用中文翻译、 磷廓清试验(cP )的原理、方法、临床意义和影响因素有哪些? MAYA中什么命令可以让让圆柱旋转成弹簧状 "encouraged"和"improved"是什么意思? Improved venting/fill是什么意思这是一个关于汽车方面的名词 Most Improved Award 这三句意大利语是什么意思?sono troppo bravonon ho neanche lottato以及nn mi conosci allora I slipped on the ice and fell over.我在冰上滑倒了.and fell over在这里是做什么的啊?有什么用啊?I 我slipped 滑倒on the ice 在冰上已经是个完整的句子了啊,为什么还要加and fell over?什么是并列句啊? it is used for improved plants in cool coutries什么意思啊.RT前后是介绍greenhouse温室的,It指的是温室。可是感觉不通顺啊。 so they said their son could on longer lift his right arm above his head的翻译 As time goed by, the people's life ______ a lot. A. had improved B. is improved C. is being improvedAs time goed by, the people's life ______ a lot. A. had improved B. is improved C. is being improved D. has been improved 这题选哪个?请教各 结构自重作用下大跨径拱桥的内力包括哪些, determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别? determine!He left home early,( determined) never to come back.请问这里括号里为什么不用determining这里不是他主动做决定吗?又不是被动为什么不用determining? 关于determinejack went to college last year and left his parents,_______ to return home until he achieves his goal.A.determining notB.not determinedC.not determiningD.determined not determine sth 和determine on sth区别?谁能说说 determine whether与determine if有区别吗?determine if 也有决定是否的意思eg:Investigators are now trying to determine if he was impaired when he lost control of the bus.调查者正试图确认他在失去对巴士的控制时是否磕了 求仿句大神,“我们从容不迫的爱着彼此”和“时间让我揣揣不安,并且念念不忘”,好的话追分 ( )x0.8+5x( )=( +3.92)x5 specific怎么读 specific怎么读(最好记谐音) 这个是什么意思plane 解下面的比例 急 x:12=0.5:3分之1 x分之15=28分之3.8还有x:6=0.7:0.2820:3=50:x sicily 水题如题,求sicily上的水题,经本菜鸟验证确实是水题每一题多加一分请问,能多一点不?我不能给你21分吧 SICILY怎么样 解下面的比例.9:4.2=(x+6):8÷好 ×号 +号 -号 解下面的比例.2/9=8/X解下面的比例.2/9=8/X 什么形容词 Detail可以做形容词吗?如detail information 名作形可以否 不是detailed,是detail 来一篇500字的历史检讨,要感人肺腑的,把老师感动我历史考差了,老师要我们写一篇检讨500字的,要感人肺腑的,把老师感动,小弟在此谢过了,最好我看了也会感动,我复习了很长时间了,可是还是 suggestions怎么读