
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:07:31
he doesn't speak english.only___words. It's often windy in March.(对windy进行提问) 47.He speaks English,but he doesn’t speak French.同义句是什么!救命! It is often windy in March变为同义句The sun shines every day in summer 变为同义句it is ___ every day in summer It snows sometimes in winter 变为同义句it is ___ sometimes in winterIt rains sometimes in autumn 变为一般疑问句___ it It is often windy in March对划线部分提问划线部分是windy In China it is a custom to give kids lucky mony ____(especially/finally)during the Spring Festival填哪个 为什么? 2012年中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛资格赛试题 It is often windy in March 变同义句 It's often windy in March.这句话的句子结构是什么构成此时态的词是什么, I will be in transit at 8pm in transit是不是说“在路上” 还是在“中转” I will be at your side的解释 I am late. I will be there at什么意思 Give something to somebody.Tell me something I don't know.Call me on The phone.Give something to somebody。 英语给某人某物 第一个是give somebody something 第二个是give something to somebody 这两者有什么区别 希望之星英语风采大赛初中组初赛评委提问都问什么啊?我明天就要比赛了,准备了一篇“保护大熊猫”的文章,已经进复赛了,大家说我是表演才艺,还是请评委提问呢?(本人并不是能歌善 谁有2010年“希望之星”英语风采大赛深圳赛区初中组初赛试题答案啊如题 Please come to my house.近快回答我 why not come to my house同义句 英语piease come to my house e.v.i.o.d这几个字母怎么拼单词 please let me watch the football game on tv i will stay at home,用if连接 I don't know if it __tomorrow.If it__,I will stay at home.这句话中前面是宾语从句,后是条件状语从句可是我不知道怎么分清楚?感觉都一样哦.能教我一个简单的方法吗?错了,前面是宾语从句,后面是条件状 talking to someone and asking them questions翻译 people will go to great lengths to conceal the embarrassing fact that someone has cheated them这句话怎样翻译,lengths是什么意思 To dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it.To dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it.特别是people have means 或者是什么用法,使语法吗,如果是能再举个例子吗? To grant them leniency is to regard them as ordinary people.To grant them leniency is to regard them as ordinary people.对他们的宽容,只有把他们当作普通人来面对.顺便帮我分析一下句型吧 求3个人可以表演的电影片段,要英语对白的!英语课上的作业,要电影名字或对白,片段简短一些的,大概5到10min. There are some onions then these aren't any potatoes.指出错误的地方 do you want to come over to my house? 同义句_____ you come over to my house? 请问“do you want to come over to my house?译成中文是什么拜托了各位 These pens are().()are over there. Please don't call me back,