
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:23:50
一个更简单的高一生物题,拜托! A perfect indian 为什么有这么伤感的意境?a perfect indiansing by sinead o'cornnera perfect indian is heremembering him life is sweetlike a weeping willowhis face on my pillowcomes to me still in my dreamsand there i saw a young babya beauti 毛毛虫的天敌是什么? Which 能做定语从句的主语吗? 毛毛虫有天敌吗 毛毛虫在广州有什么天敌? 把一张边长为x厘米的正方形纸板的四个角个减去一个边长为y厘米的小正方形,然后把它折成一个无盖纸盒,求纸盒的四个侧面的面积之和 取一张边长为25厘米的正方形纸,从四个角剪掉边长为4厘米的正方形,然后做成一个无盖的盒子,这个盒子的容积是多少毫升? The pen is not as expensive as that one.[ not as expensive as 画线.]意思接近的.是选 a.cheaper one还是 b more expensive than 战士们成四路纵队出操表演,前后两名战士之间的距离是5分米,纵队全长12米.一共有多少名战士出操表演? 谁能告诉我演讲稿格式,谢谢! 、我害怕玩蛇,因为我担心它会咬我.(bite) __________________________、我害怕玩蛇,因为我担心它会咬我.(bite)__________________________________________________________________5、我确信他不知道去哪里和看什 He is now in the pen.He regretted having done that.只翻译in the pen What does your p______ do on weekdays Doe she or he talk with you? 解放军训练,302人以两路纵队跑过一座桥,已知从第一排战士上桥到最后一排战士下桥,(续下面)共用了8分钟,已知每两排战士平均相距2米,跑步的速度是每分钟150米,求桥长多少米?求求你们! —What happened to her teeth?—She bit the apple more than she could chew.bite,chew都有“咬”的意思.为什么同一个句子前面用bite,后面用chew? How____is that pen?空线上该填什么 ( )is that pen? -------It's black. A. How co( )is that pen?-------It's black.A. How colorB. What colorC. What's colorD. What color 梦见一大一小两条蛇梦见两条蛇一大一小,自己用一根棍子打一条蛇,没打死它追我没追上回怎样 梦见一大一小两条蛇,不会有什么事要发生了吧?晚上做梦,梦见一大一小两条蛇,颜色是深得那种,小得就像咱平时很普通的那种蛇,好像还死得一样,大的头是三角形的,记得特清楚,是守在我老家 My parents and I __ (都) like my new school.填什么, he kept___the book___into the night because he was,___attracted by the storyAreading,deep,deeply Breading,deeply,deep Cto read,deeply,deep Dread,deeply,deeply she was attracted by his smile 和 she attracted by his smile的区别为什么在第一个句子里加了was(be 动词)两个句子都是什么时态 大同小异 打一数字(1-16) 吾志尽才打一数字,1—16之间谢谢了! 丰收 打一数字(1~16)写出原因 什么也不懂,打一数字(1~16) 黄金动物解一生肖 kate likes Thursday because she can play the guitar on Thursday按要求写句子(对划线部分提问) 划线部分是:because .Thursday 不拘泥于一种规格或一种格局的词语 为什么鸡也有翅膀却不能像鹰一样飞? 古今中外有许多描写战争的诗句,是些出连续的两句并标明作者和出处