
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:57:12
We have to o______ many difficulties before we succeed.单词填写, This cheese looks and smells bad.I don’t think we should eat it.这里的should可以改为could或者其他词吗?为什么? stop...from v-ing中 ...代表加什么? 英语翻译. when you called on me ,I was ___ a visit to Mr Smith.A on B at C in D to I called Ann.这个短句后面能加什么句子? 1 Do you know the girl( A whom I spoke B that I spoke C I spoke to D to who I spoke2 He talked brilliantly of the man and the books ( )interested himA that B which C who D /3 There was a teaport fashioned like a China duck,out of ( )open mouth the te He lent me the money on condition that I pay it back next month.为什么不用paid? Is that the man whom you lent the money to这句结尾是用句号还是问号?如果是用句号,为什么Is that the man to whom you lent the money?能用问号?难道是to的原因结尾只能用句号? 千字文中第一章主要讲了什么?如题,就是为什么这36句要分为第一章9点以前要答案 解析几句《千字文》中的话.“都邑华夏,东西二京.背邙面洛,浮渭据泾.宫殿盘郁,楼观飞惊.”的特殊注音,解释及我们的感想及做法等. 逃出 BREAK AWAY怎么样 关于定语从句的几个问题①Luckily,we'd bought a road map,without ___ we would have lost our way.A.it D.which请问为什么不能选it,我觉得选it 完全也通的啊②By serving others,a person focuses on someone other than himself or h 几个关于定语从句的问题~1、We should learn from those( )are always ready to help others.答案给的是who,为什么不能选that?2、I can tell you( )he told me last week.答案给的all that,为什么不能选all which?3、It was in 1969 阅读全文 为什么作者认为 世界上大多数人来说,人生一无意义,二无价值. 【人生的意义与价值 】-季羡林 为什么是强调句It was a scientist called Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 올리신 사진 是什么意思? 季羡林的写作特点 난자 어쌔신是什么意思是一个电影名字 潋艳风华词的意思? 啧啧啧什么意思? azure怎么读 英语翻译我知道Azure是蔚蓝色的意思,但是它用作人名时怎么翻译呢? azure的读音和意思可以用azure做英文名吗?如果可以的话又翻译成什么?它的读音 英语翻译帮我翻译并解释:难导,蒦门窑拥袁这样吗?倪为什麽卟回头竷看,涡质簦倪你亿个人. 速求倪司城诗序原文翻译 bay图是什么?集装箱船舶配载的bay图是什么意思 潋焰幻:紫苏,人名,想一个很美的词或句子来形容. 我的英文名是Azure 求昵称 女孩就是英文的小名…… 芭蕾舞剧天鹅湖的背景资料? 议一议,张骞出使西域本意是为了寻找盟友夹击匈奴,屡遭坎坷,受尽磨难,最终未能完成使命,抱恨而归,那么张骞此行岂不是劳而无功? 拦路虎指什么是原指 5分钟以内有效 并赏分