
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:58:40
Oh,there is a picture of mine on the wall.的mine为什么不是my快 This is picture of___ and my family.A.I B.me C.my D.mine 把How long does he live?改为一般将来时How long ( ) he ( 特殊疑问句什么时候该用到助动词,什么时候不用?在特殊疑问句中,什么时候该用到助动词,什么时候不用?比如:What happened to the piano?(无助动词)Where did you go yesterday?(有助动词)麻烦解释让我有 特殊疑问句不需要助动词? 特殊疑问句中疑问句加一般疑问句和疑问词+助动词+主语+主动词怎么看出来,能造几个句子讲一下不. what make是特殊疑问句吗,那为什么不是疑问词+助动词+主语+主动词等的结构,这样的句子算什么结构 求英语听力 最好bbc jarm@163.com 求英国BBC《神探夏洛克》三季的mp3音频以及英文台词,02595773@163.com 有没有bbc或其他英语听力打包下载 ysy.951001@163.com 谢谢带文本的哦 谢谢 Is this your sister?英语语法Is this your sister?No,it isn't.Is that your brother?Yes,it is.为什么这里的“your sister”、“your brother”在回答时要用“it”代替?可以用“she”或“he”代替吗? 谁有英国bbc英语听力的mp3啊?或者是voa的.有的打包发我邮箱chenxlkobe@163.com!在此谢过. Many people will come to Shanghai when the EXPO________ here next year.A.will hold B.will be held C.is held D.hold how many people will visit Beijing next year?It's hard to say.______people ,I thinkA millions of B million of C two million of D two millions of the () day many people come to see Arthur.A one B two C next D now In 2010,many_______________(o,f,e,r,i,g,n)people will come to China 设MIKE是你远在美国的朋友.请根据下面的提示.写一篇不少于60词的短文.描述一下一家人使用交通工具情况.(1)MIKE的学校离家约6千米.他通常骑自行车去上学.下雨时他就坐公共汽车.(2)父亲在医 快哦,咯嗒~No one knows how man learned to make words.Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals.Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy.Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splash no one knows how man leared to make words我想问下这句话是什么从句?是定语从句吗? No one knows how man learned to make words.Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals.Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy.Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splashing,bees hummi The world is f_ with many interesting sounds.We make sounds by making things m_ tois called vibration.It means moving up and down or forwards and backwards very fast.These vibrations cause the air to vibrate.This makes sound waves.And there are diffe how is your sister doing 的同义句是--- ---- your sister? so+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语Tom is a good student and he dose well in his studies.____ _____ ____ ____ _____ John.(___ ___ ___ ___ John)填空啊、第一个五个空、第二个四个空、那啥、要用 so+助动词/系动词/情 关于“so+情态动词/助动词/系动词+主语”结构越详细越好,我先谢谢您的回答!答的好,我一定会给您追加分数的. Every year many people _____vacation in Hangzhou.填介词或副词 ---------(thuosand) of people visit Beijing every year. Every year,many people go to the beach______their vacation.用介词填空,并说明原因 Every year lots of people go to visit Hong Kong ____ vacation.A.at B.on C.to D.of 你在美国的朋友Mike对上海很好奇,来信请你介绍一下上海,要求不少于70词.(书信格式)英语作文提示:1.上海位于中国东部;2.上海是一个国际化著名的城市;(intrenational)3.上海有很多风景 No one ___ (know) how man learned to talk .Maybe he began by making souds. It was not until man had learned how to make iron and steel that the construction of various...It was not until man had learned how to make iron and steel that the construction of various machines________possible.A.were madeB.madeC.had madeD.was made the position of children in american failmy and society is no longer what is