
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:53:12
are you have a pencil-sharpener?no,i'm not改错 you are a kind girl You are not too unkind kind这句什么意思··这句话是偶然别人跟我说的···我觉得有错误吧 还是我学艺不精 ··· May I have two new footballs?Yes,here you are.这句句型对吗? —You've agreed to go.So aren't you getting ready?—But I that you would have me start at once.—You've agreed to go.So aren't you getting ready?\x05—But I that you would have me start at once.\x05A.didn't realize \x05B.don't realize \x0 含两 对近义词的成语六个 Linguistics a course book 有哪些章节 Better Than That 歌词 A FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY 6TH EDITION怎么样 A FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY怎么样 FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY A 7TH EDITION怎么样 FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY A BOOKS A LA CARTE EDITION怎么样 A man is dyeams are an index to his gyeatness什么意思? 英语短语his compelling biracial life 是什么意思啊? 元朝时都有什么名将?成吉思汗 忽必烈 拖雷之类的就别说了顺便说说他们的功绩 请你想想下列各种人的性格特点,然后对号入座,用线把它们连起来.代人受过的人()粗心大意的人()目不识丁的人()吝啬钱财的人()不明事理的人()思想陈旧的人()老古董 睁眼瞎 nhung toi khong the len luc求越南语翻译谢谢 孔子喟然而叹曰:呜呼!恶有满而不覆者哉!的意思孔子喟然而叹曰:“呜呼!恶有满而不覆者哉!”的意思 越南话翻译:“do la nhung gi em muon nghe” 维语中 hudayim 孔子说的:“恶有满面而不覆者哉”的感叹给了我们什么启示 孔子说的:“恶有满而不覆者哉!”的感叹给了我们什么启示? 魏源生活于什么时期,有什么著作 画家魏源:请问现在哪一位有收藏画家魏源2000年前的油画作品? 请问这句越南话怎么翻译? em k xem dc tieng trung may k xem dc 亚运小记者应该了解什么知识我很快就要面试了,就在这两天, e dang hoc tieng trung quoc .hoc de biet noi chuyen voj anh .e khon越南文帮我翻译下 孔子恶有满而不覆这哉的感叹给了我们什么启示 请你以小记者身份采访获得2010年广州亚运会男子110米冠军 I don't mind because I have already had i don't mind this empty room,and i like when i'm aloneI don't mind this empty room,and I like ______ when I'm alone.A.thatB.one C.itD.what you don't want i will make you happy.英语好的在哪里