
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:24:07
LUV SIC PT3的歌词和中文翻译 英语翻译歌曲超好听、可惜就是英文太差、没听懂唱的啥、有点对不起stevie_hoang、各位好心人帮帮忙、翻译一下、感激ing··· "making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life"中文什么意思 Everyone should keep healthy in our daily life.(同义句)Everyone should ______ ______ ______ ______to our daily life. 初一英语翻译:They always laugh at me fat. Before you get on the train,you must s_____ your ticket to the conductor. 周国平《落难王子》寓意相关的名言 he has never been to Qingdao 改成反义疑问句 让我们去上学吧的英语怎么写 He's never been to Shanghai ,_____(翻译疑问句) You must look(_)before you cross the street中的空出应该怎么填 让我们一起去上学的英语是什么 Before you cross the street,you must look ___ the left and right.A.at B.in C.of D.to The reason is______ i missed the bus Athat Bwhen C why Dwhat选择哪个? we missed the bus.整个句子是look!there goes the bus.we missed the bus. Yesterday I ()and missed the busA overslept B has overslept为什么会没有had overslept?他不是过去的过去吗? 英语作文评析(七年级水平) 好的有追加,正文如下Last Monday,Peter took a book to school library.He wanted to return the book.Miss White looked for the book and found it was broken.She was very angry and asked him.Peter said he is 英语作文评析,请指出错误,正文如下,好的有追加,Today,Xiao Ming went to catch frogs; he wanted to catch it and play it.He went to a river and caught many frogs.He went back home quickly and put them in the pot.Then he listened to the 英语作文评析,请帮助指出错误,正文如下,Xiao Ming is a good student,he loves learning new things very much.He usually reading many new things about news,sports,geography,biology,history…… But he doesn’t have a good reading custom, 石雕意大利语怎么说是 I missed the train an hour ago.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ you ______ the train?an hour ago (划线) “铸铜雕塑”英文怎么说? Alice is an outgoing girl.She likes making f____very much she is very likes cabbage 成立吗 英语作文评析,并指出错误 正文如下,One day,Xiao Hong went to library by train.There is only Xiao Hong on the train so she sat next to the door on a priority sit.Soon,train got in to a station,many people got on the train.At last an expec His e( )for being late was that he had missed the train.( )里填单词,以e开头的 he got up so late that he missed ______ the train.a.to catch B.catching C.to have caught D.being caught选哪个?为什么? Dick started so late that he missed the train.Dick didn`t start _____ _____ to catch the train.保持句子意思基本不变 It seems(that)he was late for the train!表语从句,that可以省略吗? 恩...我要画 山西省少年儿童【红领巾心向党】“福布斯”杯书画大赛绘画创作板.我只是要一些题材,比如英雄人物,英雄人物事迹,就比如:飞夺泸定桥 妈妈是雕塑高手,他的每件作品都雕得( ),令人( ).从上面的词语中选择恰当的填入下面的括号里. 山西省青少年语文报书画大赛涂色怎么涂