
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:08:28
舒服的近义词是什么 舒服的反义词、同义词 初三英语语法知识最好能2小时内记住~ 初三英语语法connect sth with sth与connect to sth 区别麻烦用英语句举个例句 疑问句中用and还是or 谁可以把初三英语的一些常用语法发过来呀? 大家帮我看看这几句英语的语法有没有错.thank you for giving me unique matter when no matter how no matter wheretrust me ,I always be by your side 英语翻译他的情绪终于平定下来了.(in the end) 英语中的who在下面这个句子中是怎么解释?But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.好像这个who理解成“谁”在这个句子中翻译不通,这个who到底该怎么理解,放到这个句子中怎么翻 菜鸟英语问题:在下面两个句子中为啥这么用who.原句:I need someone who can repair my dishwasher能改成:I need someone help me repair my dishwasher吗?原句里的who代表什么意思?为啥这么用菜鸟求问,3Q 分别写出下列成语的同义词与反义词面目一新闷闷不乐恰到好处 英语翻译 帮我解释以下英语短语和单词短语:oh,look at him.hes very clean.nick,do you like taking a bath?this is beautiful.l like this music.短文:this is our garden.lts a beautiful garden.there are many flowers.and trees in it.单词:climbi 英语翻译1.把信号只在某些不连续的瞬时给出函数值,成为离散时间信号.它可以来自模拟信号的抽样,或者是时间和幅度均不边续的离散信号.在离散信号的分析和处理时,通常把按一定先后次序 求以下单词短语的 英文 1、integrated marketing communications2、sales promotions3、public relations 英语翻译1:我们每隔一周观看一次幻灯片.(slide) 2:开会时,她跟你私下交谈了吗?(whisper) 3:她说话直爽.(direct) 4:有钱的叔父死后,他继承了一大笔财产.(fortune) 5:她在这部新影片中 上海世博会的主题用中文和英文分别怎么说? 世博会知识(中文和英语)急需!1十万火急!~! 世博会全称{},每{}年举办一次,2010年上海世博会是{}届,主题是{}.请回答 我叫xxx,今年12岁.我性格开朗,非常喜欢做运动的英语怎么说 性格开朗善于交际用英语怎么说. 我今年25岁,性格开朗,用英语怎么说? 口技练习题!HELP ME!“满坐宾客无不伸颈,侧目,微笑,默叹,以为妙绝.”一句中,“伸颈,侧目,微笑,默叹”四个词语能否调换?为什么? 初三英语习题 HELPThe headmaster as well as all the teachers_____.A.are having a meeting B.have gone to the plannting trees on the hillD.feel very excited about the prize说下理由, 生物遗传习题help~.eg1.在番茄中,红果色(R)对黄果色(r)是显性.下列杂交F1的基因型和表型及其比例如何?(1)Rr×RR(2)Rr×Rr(3)rr×RReg2.一位女士的血型为AB型,男士的血型为O型,他们的亲生子女将 初三英语语法归纳总结 初三英语语法总结人教版的 Jenny has two new sweaters 对two提问They like some tomatoes for dinner.对some tomatoes提问翻译经常戴眼镜.任何人都买的起.单价只有30元 2.what way are you thinking of ________rid of the flies?Atoget Bgeting C being got be getting 为什么选A呢 be,in,bedroom,his,might,be---------------------------help,I,may,you?-----------------------------排序 英语题呀··HELP..1.When and where to build a new factory __yet/A has not been decided B have not been decidedC are not decided D has not our country each boy and each girl __ the right to receive education.A is B are C has D have 3.t 没有一个人明白我用英语怎么说 help~英语题啊!Sarah is sleeping now (because she works at night).给成文句,现在进行时