
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:11:42
八个足球队循环赛,赢得1分,输得0分,平局各得0.5分,结束后,得分各不相同,从高到低排列,第二名与后四名得分和相等,第二名()分?写出过程 与 come alone with相似的短语有哪些不一定是come开头,只要有 与某人一起,跟随某人一起的意思 her name's的缩写 I don't know how to use all the food that's left over.(保持原句意思)I don't know ______ ____ ______ _____ all the food that's left over.We shan't hold our school sports meeting next Monday.(改为被动语态)Our school sports meeting ____ It takes John half an hour to have sports every moning.(保持原意)John _____ half an hour _____ ____ sports every morning. 请高手修改这句英语,I am glad to offer some proposals to the question you asked me the other day regarding which suject to choose:computer or histroy.请问这句话中“proposals to the question ”可以搭配吗?还有其他错误的地 1、Found a hole in her stocking Mandy said to her friend,"I will buy another pair and meet you in two hours' time.2、Been forced to leave his job,he set up his own company.3、Having been caught,the police took the thief to the police station. 英语一道改句子He noticed that she was eating a big piece of cake.(保持原意)He noticed ______ ______ a big piece of cake. 学习的快乐取决于什么?是成绩吗?为什么 请问寓意为健康、快乐、漂亮、杰出、可爱、成就、的字有哪些多一些了 快乐,用什么来定义?快乐,可用时间来计量吗? 祖国这60年来有什么值得我们高兴的成就建国60周年了要说相对的,别说绝对的,别看不见全世界都在发展请大家拿出可以让中华民族儿女骄傲的事件出来,让大家开心下也别说什么奥运之类的屁 关于看到有些同学取得一点成绩就高兴得忘乎所以,你要送的名言警句是什么 Tom is hungry.Tom is full travel、live、make、stay、visit的过去式 my name的缩写形式 一道英语改句子l am a daughter ,a sister ,a granddaughter in my family(提问)--------------------------------------- 09江苏省选调生选调生面试和公务员面试有什么区别吗?是说面试的内容知道什么时候面试吗? on board什么词性? This is the most interesting news I have ever told. 如何使两个单元格满足条件时,另一个单元格等于某值?例如:当A1等于0.5,B1等于43时,C1自动变成450; 当A1等于1.0,B1等于60时,C1自动变成650;请高手帮忙一下~~~ 如何将符合条件的多单元格里的数值列出到同一个单元格里?第一列 第二列01ABCD on02ABCD in03ABCD on04ABCD in05ABCD on..将符合条件为“on”的第一列前两位数字列出来,并用“+”连接.即,同一单元格里 Maybe you have told me what to Whose is this teapot?What would you like?She is from Japan.的同义句 how much i want says to you ,but not says out mouse in time in the past two years 不久我就回来 用英文翻译一下. 不久以前的英文翻译? 枯树桩和枯黄的小草劝小溪流 _________但小溪流_________,最后成了______,急 选文把泥沙和小溪流放在一块写,这运用的是什么手法?有什么作用? as in fair skies,as in top grosser top in catalysis是个什么杂志最近查催化方面的文献,看到了这个杂志,以前没有看到过,这个杂志怎么样?sci收录吗?影响因子多高?