
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:28:08
It's my style! 求《旧唐书·狄仁杰传》第一段的两句翻译!狄仁杰字怀英,并州太原人也.祖孝绪,贞观中尚书左丞.父知逊,夔州长史.仁杰儿童时,门人有被害者,县吏就诘之,众皆接对,唯仁杰坚坐读书.吏责之,仁 The first automobile could run ,but it was ___ the modern one.A.a far cry from B.so far from C.by far from D.far and few between 英语翻译仁杰孝友绝伦,在并州,有同府法曹郑崇质,母老且病,当充使绝域.仁杰谓曰:“太夫人有危疾,而公远使,岂可贻亲万里之忧!”乃诣长史蔺仁基,请代崇质而行.时仁基与司马李孝廉不协, he has already gone gome 改为否定句 He had already gone home.(否定句)He ____ ____ home ____. History is my favorite subject.I can ( ) a lot from it 空白处填learn还是study? History is my favorite s_____.填空! 电吹风能吹热冷水么? 英语语法 Who invented the computer?经常有这个句子出现,但是这个句子不符合特许疑问句的句型.请教一下什么时候可以使用这句疑问句型. I am ___(wonder)who invented the first computer.求思路, who invented the computer 同义句改写who _ the computer _ The stuents are gong to have a sotp meeting next week对next week提问 -HE has already gone to England -when___(wii ,is ,did ,would)he___(go)there 填什么 Miss Blass has already gone to bed.(改为一般疑问句) 英语翻译He is working hard to get defibrillators in businesses and public.place."It's a wonderful machine,"he says."I really felt lucky that day." he is a hard-working student hard-working做什么成分 My favorite food is(),because it's(). My favorite c____ in Ningbo.It's very beautif. Maybe there is nothing that i can do In that case,there is nothing we can do other than _____.A.wait B.to waitC.waiting there is nothing that you could ever say to make me let go.there is nothing 什么用法 请问 There is nothing I can do.是个定从 that因作宾语成分被省略请问 There is nothing I can do.是个定从 that因作宾语成分被省略?nothing不是主语吗 这句话主语是谁 在某种共价化合物中,M元素的化合价显—2价,这是由于 A:1个M原子得到2个电子 B:1个M原子失去两个电子 CC:M原子形成了两对共用电子对但偏离M原子D:M原子形成了两对共用电子对但偏向M原 improve hard he work is to working his 连词成句 安装英文怎么讲 真能装 用英语怎么讲 “开学典礼发言稿”英文怎么讲 word文档中囗是用哪个符号的?想在里面打勾或叉怎样操作 the meeting ___next week is sure to be a great successto take placeto be taken placeto have taken place being take place Mlike is working hard.改为感叹句 It's My